'Don't blame yourself,' parent of trapped Thai youth writes to boys' coach

“Don’t blame yourself,” one of the parents of the 12 young soccer players who have been trapped in a cave in northern Thailand for two weeks has written to the boys’ coach.

“To all the kids,” wrote a mother of one of the boys, “we are not mad at you at all. Do take good care of yourself. Don’t forget to cover yourself with blankets as the weather is cold. We’re worried. You will come out soon.”

"We want you to know that no parents are angry with you at all, so don’t you worry about that."

— Mother of trapped soccer player, in letter to team's coach

To the boys’ coach, Ekapol “Aek” Chanthawong, 25, the mother wrote, “We want you to know that no parents are angry with you at all, so don’t you worry about that.”

The coach had previously written to the boys' parents, apologizing for the predicament the boys are in.

"To the parents of all the kids, right now the kids are all fine. The crew are taking good care. I promise I will care for the kids as best as possible. I want to say thanks for all the support and I want to apologize to the parents."

— Soccer coach Ekapol "Aek" Chanthawong

"To the parents of all the kids, right now the kids are all fine,” he wrote in a note released Friday. “The crew are taking good care. I promise I will care for the kids as best as possible. I want to say thanks for all the support and I want to apologize to the parents.”

The letters were picked up by Thai navy SEALs who made an 11-hour journey back-and-forth to act as postal couriers. The letters were made public Friday.

The boys sounded calm and reassuring in their own notes to their families.

One of the boys wrote, "Mom and Dad, please don't worry, I am fine. I've told you to get ready to take me out for fried chicken. With love."

"Night loves Dad and Mom and brother, don't worry about me," wrote another boy in the Thai manner of referring to one's self in the third person.

"I'm doing fine, but the air is a little cold, but don't worry. Although, don't forget to set up my birthday party," wrote another boy.

An undated photo shows handwritten notes by one of the children and their coach trapped in a cave in Mae Sai, Thailand. (Thai NavySEAL Facebook Page via AP)

The boys, ages 11 to 16, and their coach became stranded when they went exploring in the cave after a practice game. Monsoon flooding cut off their escape and prevented rescuers from finding them for almost 10 days.

Thai officials on Sunday morning said a rescue mission was underway, with 13 foreigner and five Thai divers taking part. The boys will gradually come out accompanied by two divers each. The earliest a group was expected to emerge was 9 p.m. Sunday local time.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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