New York's coronavirus shutdown will continue through May 15, Cuomo says

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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday that all non-essential businesses and workers must remain home during the coronavirus outbreak through at least May 15.

The decision comes as Cuomo and other governors in the region are trying to coordinate the reopening of their state’s economies. New York reported 606 new deaths Thursday, down from 752 the previous day. Total hospitalizations are also down, while the number of new ICU admissions is “down significantly for the first time”, according to Cuomo.

“We have to continue what we are doing,” Cuomo said. “I don’t want to project beyond that period... people need certainty and clarity so they can plan, I need a coordinated action plan with the other states. So one month we will continue the close down policies.


“What happens after then? I don’t know,” Cuomo said. “We will see depending on what the data shows.”

Connecticut recently announced that its closures will last through May 20.

In other developments, Cuomo, who signed an executive order Wednesday instructing New York residents to wear face masks in public places where social distancing isn't possible, said they are now a must on public transit, private carriers and in for-hire vehicles, as of Friday at 8 p.m.

"I'm getting a lot of not happy phone calls off what I said yesterday about wearing a mask in public, but, I'm sorry it makes people unhappy," Cuomo said. "I do not consider it a major burden and it really is a simple measure that can save lives."


Cuomo also said his state is sending 100 ventilators to New Jersey, which has a growing number of coronavirus cases. As of Thursday, it has 71,030 positives with 3,156 deaths, according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University.

"New Jersey is still looking at their curve rising, the wave hasn't crested in New Jersey," Cuomo said. "They are our neighbors, anything we can do to help."