Deported immigrant's wife: 'I can't be mad at Trump for doing his job'

Cindy Garcia, a U.S. citizen, defended the Trump administration's decision to deport her husband.

U.S. citizen Cindy Garcia on Tuesday defended the Trump administration's decision to deport her husband, Jorge, saying she can't fault President Donald Trump for executing the laws of the land.

Garcia appeared on CNN to talk about her husband's current life in Mexico and what her next steps would be with his case, which prompted her to advocate changes to immigration laws. Host Brooke Baldwin noted Garcia wasn't upset at government agents and asked her what Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had said to her about her husband.

"Yes, I am not upset at our government due to the fact that I am a U.S. citizen and that our laws come first," Garcia said. "Our laws are just broken and need to be fixed, but I can't be mad at Trump for doing his job because that is his job to protect us, as U.S. citizens, from criminals. The only thing is my husband was not a criminal and those are the laws that need to be fixed because they are broken for the people … brought as children, doing the right thing, and have never committed a crime."

"For the criminals that have come here illegally, they need to go back," Garcia added.

Baldwin followed up by asking whether Garcia has spoken to the White House about her husband's case.

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