Army IDs 9 soldiers killed in crash involving Black Hawk helicopters
The Crash between two Army HH60 Black Hawk helicopters happened during a training mission near Fort Campbell in Kentucky
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The U.S. Army on Friday identified the nine soldiers killed in a crash involving HH-60 Black Hawk helicopters flying out of Kentucky’s Fort Campbell.
Maj. Gen. JP McGee, commander of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), said the deaths "will reverberate through our formations for years to come."
"Now is the time for grieving and healing," he added. "The whole division and this community stand behind the families and friends of our fallen soldiers."
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One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in Florida on February 20, 1990, Jeffery Barnes enlisted in the Army from Milton, Florida in 2010. He attended basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Eustis, Virginia. Barnes was subsequently assigned to 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade as a 15R, attack Helicopter Repairer in Savannah, Georgia. In February 2015 he was assigned as a squad leader in 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade at Camp Humphreys, Korea. From 2016 through 2018 he served with 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, Fort Carson, Colorado. In 2019, Barnes served as an instructor at Fort Eustis, Virginia before attending the Warrant Officer Basic Course in 2020. Barnes served as an Aeromedical Evacuation Pilot for the Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since October of 2022. While assigned to 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, Barnes deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He graduated from Initial Entry Rotary Wing School UH-60M Track; Aviation Warrant Officer Basic Course; AH-64D Attack Helicopter Repair Course; Combat Life Saver Course; Basic Leader Course; CBRN Defense Course; Advanced Leader Course; Cadre Training; Common Faculty Development - Instructor Course; Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape School (High Risk); the Equal Opportunity Leaders Course. Barnes’ awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Meritorious Unit Commendation; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal (Campaign Star); Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Korea Defense Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; NATO Medal; Certificate of Achievement; Basic Army Instructor Badge; Army Aviator Badge; and the Driver and Mechanic Badge. (U.S. Army)

One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in Florida, on August 7, 1990, Rusten Smith enlisted in the Army from Rolla, Missouri in 2012. After attending basic training, Smith attended Advanced Individual Training at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. He was then assigned to the 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion at Fort Hood, Texas, as a Human Intelligence Collector. From there, Smith completed Warrant Officer Basic Course and Aviation Training at Fort Rucker, Alabama and was then assigned to the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division. Smith served as an Instructor Pilot for the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since of 2022. Smith deployed twice to Afghanistan, first in 2013 in support of the International Security Assistance Force and again from 2018-2019 in support of Resolute Support Mission. Smith also served for nine months in Germany in 2020, in support of Atlantic Resolve. He graduated from the Combat Lifesavers Course; Unit Armorer Course; Technical Transport of HAZMAT Course; Air Assault School, Basic Leader Courser; Airborne School; Warrant Officer Candidate School; Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape School (High Risk); UH-72A Aviator Qualification; Initial Entry Rotary Wing UH-60 Track; Aviation Warrant Officer Basic Course; UH-60M Instructor Pilot Course. Smith’s awards and decorations include the Air Medal with "C" device; Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Humanitarian Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal; Army Aviator Badge; Parachutist Badge; Air Assault Badge; Driver and Mechanic Badge. (U.S. Army)
One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in Texas on September 26,1986, Zachary Esparza enlisted in the Army from Jackson, Missouri in 2010. He attended basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Upon graduation, Esparza served in Okinawa, Japan from 2011 to 2012. In 2013, Esparza was assigned to the 4th Infantry Division as a Signal Support Specialist. Esparza attended Aviation Warrant Officer Basic Course in 2015 and graduated as a UH-60M pilot at Fort Rucker, Alabama. In 2017, Esparza served as an Aeromedical Evacuation Pilot with the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade in Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii. Esparza served as a pilot in command in 2020 with Task Force Sinai in Egypt. He was then assigned to the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade in 2021. Esparza served as an Instructor Pilot for the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since October of 2021. Esparza deployed to Afghanistan in support of International Security Assistance Course from 2013 to 2014 and served 10 months in Egypt as part of Task Force Sinai. He also served two overseas tours in Japan and Hawaii. He graduated from Combatives Level 1, Combat Lifesavers Course; CompTIA Plus Certification Course; Basic Leader Course; Warrant Officer Basic Course; Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape School (High Risk); Initial Entry Rotary Wing School UH-60A Track; Aviation Warrant Officer Basic Course; UH-60 Instructor Pilot Course. Esparza’s awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; NATO Medal and the Army Aviator Badge. (U.S. Army)
One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in the Philippines on December 20, 1991, Marie Bolanos enlisted in the Army from Austin, Texas in 2019. She attended basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Eustis, Virginia. Bolanos was assigned as a UH-60 Helicopter Repairer and UH-60 Air Crewmember for the Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since March of 2020. In 2020 Bolanos served for nine months in Germany in support of Atlantic Resolve. She graduated from Basic Leader Course in 2022. Bolanos’ awards and decorations include the Army Achievement Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Armed Forces Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; Basic Aviation Badge. (U.S. Army)
One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in New Jersey on May 1, 1999, David Solinas enlisted in the Army from Oradell, New Jersey in 2018. Following basic training, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma he attended Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Solinas was subsequently assigned as a Combat Medic with 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. Solinas served as a Flight Paramedic for the Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since October 2022. He graduated from Airborne School; Brigade Combat Team Training; Basic Leader Course; Critical Care Paramedic Course; Army Medical Department Crewmember Course; Unit Prevention Leader Training; Field Sanitation Team Certification. Solinas’ awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal; Achievement Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Humanitarian Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Basic Aviation Badge; Parachutist Badge. (U.S. Army)
One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in the Philippines, on September 1, 1995, Isaac Gayo enlisted in the Army from Los Angeles, California in 2019. He attended basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Eustis, Virginia. Gayo was subsequently assigned to Camp Humphreys, Korea in 2019 as a UH-60 Crew chief. Gayo served as a UH-60 Helicopter Repairer, UH-60 Air Crewmember, and UH-60 Crew chief for the Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since October of 2020. He graduated from the Basic Leader Course, Air Assault School and received a Field Sanitation Team Certification. Gayo’s awards and decorations include the Army Achievement Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Korea Defense Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; Basic Aviation Badge; Air Assault Badge. (U.S. Army)
One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in Virginia on July 6,1997, Joshua Gore enlisted in the Army from Morehead City, North Carolina in 2015. He attended basic training in Fort Sill, Oklahoma and Advance Individual Training in Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Gore was subsequently assigned to the 426th Support Battalion at Fort Campbell, serving as a Health Care Specialist. From 2018 to 2021 he served at Fort Carson, Colorado as a Medic, Combat Medic, Health Care Specialist, and Section Noncommissioned Officer. Gore attended Flight Paramedic and Critical Care Paramedic courses in Fort Sam Houston, Texas in 2021. Gore has served as a Flight Paramedic for the Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since May of 2022. He graduated from Emergency Medical Technician Certification Course; Air Assault School; Brigade Combat Team Trauma Training; Basic Leader Course; Flight Paramedic Training; Critical Care Paramedic Training; Army Medical Department Aviation Crewmember Course. Gore's awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Certificate of Achievement; Basic Aviation Badge; Air Assault Badge. (U.S. Army)
One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in Alabama, on, April 14, 1992, Taylor Mitchell enlisted in the Army from Mountain Brook, Alabama in 2014. Following basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, he was assigned to 2nd Calvary Regiment, Vilseck, Germany as health care specialist. In 2017, Mitchell attended Flight Paramedic School at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Mitchell subsequently served as a Flight Paramedic NCO 1st Combat Aviation Brigade at Fort Riley, Kansas. Mitchell was assigned as a Flight Paramedic for the Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since November of 2020. Mitchell served on two rotational tours in support of Atlantic Resolve, to Romania in 2019 and Germany in 2020. He graduated from Combatives Level 1; Advanced Medical First Responder Course; Basic and Advanced Leader Courses; Flight Paramedic Program; Critical Care Paramedic Program; Air Assault School; Aircraft Crewmember Standard Instruction Course; Army Medical Department Aviation Crewmember Course; Unit Prevention Leader Training. Mitchell’s awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Humanitarian Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; Basic Aviation Badge; Air Assault Badge; Driver and Mechanic Badge. (U.S. Army)
One of the nine service members killed in a helicopter accident near Fort Campbell, Ky. on Wednesday during a training exercise for the 101st Airborne Division. Born in Florida, on March 18, 1991, Aaron Healy enlisted in the Army from Cape Coral, Florida in 2010. Healy attended basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina then Army Ordnance School at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. Upon graduation, he was assigned to the 563rd Aviation Support Battalion at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. In 2016 Healy was assigned to the 725th Support Battalion at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. He was then assigned in 2019 to the Wheel Maintenance Training Department in Fort Lee, Virginia. In 2021 Healy attended Warrant Officer Candidate School and Aviation Training at Fort Rucker, Alabama and was subsequently assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. Healy served as an Aeromedical Evacuation Pilot for the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division since of 2022. Healy deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 to 2012 and in 2014 in support of the International Security Assistance Force. He graduated from the Combat Lifesavers Course; Wheel Vehicle Recovery Course; Basic and Advanced Leader Courses; Air Assault Course; Technical Transportation of HAZMAT Course; Cadre Training; Common Faculty Development-Instructor Course; Warrant Officer Basic Course; UH-72A Aviator Qualification; Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape School (High Risk); Initial Entry Rotary Wing School UH-60M Track. Healy’s awards and decorations include the Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; NATO Medal; Combat Action Badge; Army Aviator Badge; Air Assault Badge; Driver and Mechanic Badge. (U.S. Army)
The two helicopters were conducting an exercise around 10 p.m. Wednesday when they went down in an open field next to a residential area, killing everyone on board.
The soldiers killed were identified as: Warrant Officer 1 Jeffery Barnes, 33, of Milton, Florida.; Cpl. Emilie Marie Eve Bolanos, 23, of Austin, Texas; Chief Warrant Officer 2 Zachary Esparza, 36, of Jackson, Missouri; Sgt. Isaac J. Gayo, 27, of Los Angeles; Staff Sgt. Joshua C. Gore, 25, of Morehead City, North Carolina; Warrant Officer 1 Aaron Healy, 32, of Cape Coral, Florida.; Staff Sgt. Taylor Mitchell, 30, of Mountain Brook, Alabama; Chief Warrant Officer 2 Rusten Smith, 32, of Rolla, Missouri. and Sgt. David Solinas Jr, 23, of Oradell, New Jersey.
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The Army has not disclosed the cause of the crash. An Army aviation safety team from Fort Rucker, Alabama is conducting an investigation into the accident.
On Friday, the 101st Airborne Division posted photos of the fallen soldiers on its Twitter account.
Louis Casiano is a reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to