Secretary Pompeo on Iran, sanctions and Saudi Arabia

This is a rush transcript from "Fox News Sunday," November 4, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


With just two days until the midterm elections, both sides are pulling out 
all the stops.


choice between results and resistance.

SEN. JON TESTER, D—MONT.: We need a big turnout. If we get a big 
turnout, things would be good.

who's going to go stand for our values, who's going to go fight for our 
principles, and we need to start on November 6th.

OPRAH WINFREY, CELEBRITY TALK SHOW HOST: You can vote, and you can vote 
and you can vote!

WALLACE: From health care, to the economy, to the politics of the caravan, 
we will have arrived live report on the key races and issues and we will 
talk with two senators on the political front lines. Chris Van Hollen, 
chair of the Democrat Senate Campaign Committee, and Thom Tillis, vice 
chair of the Republican Senate effort as they try to get their supporters 
to vote.

Then --

TRUMP: We are stopping people at the border. This is an invasion.

WALLACE: We'll ask our Sunday panel if the president's continued focus on 
the caravan is the right strategy for Republicans.

Plus, as the world watches Tuesday's results, Secretary of State Mike 
Pompeo joins us to discuss crippling new sanctions on Iran and whether we 
can keep doing business with Saudi Arabia.

All, right now, on "Fox News Sunday."


WALLACE: And hello again today from Fox News headquarters in New York.

The 2018 midterm campaign has finally reached the end game. At stake, 
whether Republicans will hold onto control of Congress should one or both 
chambers flip, Democrats will be able to block much of President Trump's 
agenda and launch investigations into his administration.

But if the GOP keeps its majorities in the House and the Senate, that would 
buck traditional losses for the president's party in the first midterm, 
well, then, Mr. Trump will be in a more commanding position than ever.

We begin our coverage of the battle for Congress two days out with Peter 
Doocy on the campaign trail in Hialeah, Florida, Peter.


Democrats believe they have built the biggest battlefield for the House in 
a decade and party leaders say it's about to pay off.



DOOCY: Democratic challengers everywhere are sticking to a single focus, 
health care.

are in Iowa that steps up for our neighbors with pre-existing conditions.

DOOCY: Vulnerable Republicans believe that if there's one issue that helps 
them hold the House, it's the strong economy.

REP. DAVID YOUNG, R—IA.: Keeping the economy going, trade is a 
big part of that.

DOOCY: A critical constituency in the battle for the House, women.

falling off among the college-educated women.

DOOCY: President Trump is more outwardly optimistic.

TRUMP: It looks like we're doing okay in the House. We are going to have 
to see.

DOOCY: The Senate map is tougher for Democrats, especially the ten 
depending seats in states Trump won.

SEN. JOE MANCHIN, D—W. VA.: What really comes down to is who 
do you trust?

DOOCY: A huge focus for Republican Senate hopefuls, immigration.

SEN. TED CRUZ, R—TEXAS: You mean the people of Texas want a wall? 
You mean the people of Texas want to stop the caravan?

DOOCY: President Trump has made repeated visits to red states with 
Democratic senators for sizable rallies.

TRUMP: Hello, Montana. I said I was coming back, and I'm back.

DOOCY: Rallies some of those Democrats are trying to laugh off.

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL, D—MO.: He's been here so often, he must 
be building a golf course.


DOOCY: Millions of people in places like Florida have already voted, so 
Republican Senate candidate Rick Scott is out here taking orders and asking 
for votes before Tuesday -- Chris.

WALLACE: Peter Doocy reporting from Florida -- Peter, thanks for that.

Joining me now, Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen, who leads the Democrats' 
effort to take back control of the Senate.

Senator, this was always going to be a tough year for Democrats. You're 
defending 26 seats this year in the midterms while Republicans only have 
nine Senate seats up and 10 Senate Democrats are running in states 
President Trump won in 2016, many by 20 or 30 points.

So, realistically, don't Republicans have a better chance of not only 
holding a majority, but adding to it than you do of flipping the Senate?

CHAIRMAN: Well, Chris, you're absolutely right. This is the toughest 
political map any one party has faced in 60 years and if you were to have 
asked people year and a half ago where we would be, you would not even be 
asking the question about whether or not we have a path to a Senate 
Democratic majority.

The answer is we do have a path. It is a very narrow path as you indicate, 
but the fact that we are as competitive as we are is a real testament to 
our senators and our candidates who have always said that their North Star 
is standing up for the people of their state. So, that's the first and 
foremost priority and that's what they've been doing.

WALLACE: All right. So give me your two best chances to pick off 
Republican Senate seats. Where are they? And in fact, isn't at least one 
of your Democratic senators, Heitkamp in North Dakota, isn't she in 

VAN HOLLEN: Well, first of all, never count out Heidi Heitkamp. People 
did that six years ago when she was 10 points behind. She won that race. 
She's less than ten points behind right now. That's a lesson everybody has 
learned. Don't her out.

In terms of the Republican seats that are very competitive right now, 
Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee, Texas. Mississippi may go to a special runoff. 
And the reason is that you've got Republicans running in the states who 
have betrayed their voters primarily on the issue that is the top of mind 
for voters on the country, which is health care issues and taking away 
protections for people who have pre-existing health conditions.

WALLACE: President Trump is hitting Democrats hard in these final days on 
immigration and the caravan headed up through Mexico. Here he is on the 
campaign trail.


election day would be a bright flashing invitation to traffickers, 
smugglers, drug dealers and gang members all over the world, come on in.


WALLACE: And the president ran a controversial ad this week about a 
Mexican who was deported twice, came back into this country and then shot 
and killed two California police officers. Here's a bit of the presidents 


WALLACE: Senator, I'm sure you don't like the tone, but isn't it working? 
Republicans in red states say immigration is now a top issue.

VAN HOLLEN: I don't think it's working, Chris, because what the president 
is doing is driving away the independent voters and swing voters and a lot 
of moderate Republican voters in these swing states.

Look, the president says lots of outrageous and untrue things and there's 
another example right there. The reality is Democrats are for strong 
border security. We're against open borders.

We are also against separating parents and their children, and it was 
pretty outrageous for the president to suggest the other day that the 
United States military would fire on unarmed people and that the military 
had to tell the president that's not what we do, that's not what the United 
States military does, but the real thing going on here, Chris, is an effort 
to change the national conversation from what people wake up every day 
thinking about, which are there economic circumstances and primarily 
uncertainty over health care costs and the fact that Republicans for the 
last two years have tried to eliminate protections for people with pre-
existing conditions. That remains the top issue on voters' mind despite 
all the president's efforts.

WALLACE: Well, you talk about the economy and then you segue into health 
care, but let's talk about the economy because Republicans have a -- have a 
pretty good story to tell there. Let's put up the numbers: 250,000 jobs 
created in this last jobs report for October. Unemployment at 3.7 percent. 
Wage growth, the highest since 2009.

Isn't that a strong economic record for Republicans to run on?

VAN HOLLEN: Well, Chris, I think voters know that the economy was on this 
upward trajectory long before President Trump was sworn in. We saw growing 
job growth, lower unemployment and interestingly, when you look at real 
wages, real wage growth was stronger in the last term of the Obama 
administration then in this term so far of the Trump administration. 
That's because even as wages have gone up, so have costs, like the cost of 
health care.

So, for most Americans out there, they are actually not seeing their real 
wages keep pace and in fact they were keeping pace at a faster rate under 
the Obama administration. That is why people are focused on this issue of 
health care and the uncertainty that the Republican plan to eliminate 
protections will bring.

WALLACE: I've got 15 seconds left. Yes or no, are you going to take the 
Senate back?

VAN HOLLEN: We have too many close races, Chris, and you know it's all 
about turnout.

Here's what I would say: the early vote in states like Nevada and Arizona 
has been very strong. It does appear young voters are coming out. And it 
looks like the president's effort to distract voters from the real issues 
they care about like health care and like the Republican efforts to take 
away protections for pre-existing conditions is not working.

WALLACE: Senator Van Hollen, thank you. Thanks for taking time from the 
campaign trail to talk with us, sir.

VAN HOLLEN: Good to be with you, Chris. Thanks.

WALLACE: Now let's turn to North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis, vice chair 
of the Senate Republican campaign effort.

So, Senator, let me start with you where I ended with Van Hollen. Are you 
going to hold onto the Senate on Tuesday night, if so what's your new 
majority going to be? And give me your two best shots and picking off 
Democratic seats.

CHAIR: We're not only going to hold a majority, I think we're going to add 
to it. I believe that states like North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri are all 
trending in a positive direction. Our incumbents are doing very well. 
There may be a special election in Mississippi that will take another three 
weeks to sort out but I'm also confident that we'll have a Republican 
coming back in that state.

The map looks very good to us in about five or six different states and 
Senator Van Hollen knows that. They've got a tough call and I think we are 
going to come out successful on Tuesday.

WALLACE: As I discussed with the Senator Van Hollen, President Trump this 
last few weeks has been making immigration and the caravan coming up from 
Mexico his top issue. Here he was earlier this week talking about a 
possible confrontation between the migrants and the thousands of soldiers 
he is sending to the southern border. Here's the president.


TRUMP: They want to throw rocks at 
our military, our military fights back. We're going to consider and I told 
them consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks like they did at the 
Mexico military and police, I say consider it a rifle.


WALLACE: Now, the president walked out back on Friday saying he was 
talking about making arrests of the migrants, not shooting them. But no 
concerns on your part about the president's rhetoric and some of the 
actions he's taking on the southern border potentially turning off 
independents and moderate Republicans?

TILLIS: Well, what the American people need to know that our men and women 
in uniform are some of the most disciplined, trained professionals in the 
history of warfare. They're going to treat those members of the caravan 
with respect, but the president is right that we have to secure the border 
and I think that putting troops down there to make it very clear that we 
want people who have a legitimate claim to asylum to come through the 
process and get that asylum granted. This caravan is not the way to do it, 
and I think the American people are concerned with it.

You can see the change in the rhetoric on the part of our colleagues on the 
other side of the aisle from -- well, just let them across the border to 
now discussing the president's tactics. I believe that the president is 
right and doing everything he can to stop the illegal crossings.

WALLACE: Senator, Republicans have a great story to tell in the economy 
but the president doesn't seem especially focused on that.

Here he is at a rally on Friday.


TRUMP: We have the greatest economy in the history of our country, but 
sometimes that's not as exciting to talk about the economy, right?


WALLACE: In reaction, a top aide to Republicans, Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted 
this almost plaintively. We are going to spend all day and weekend talking 
about the strong economy, right?

And Republican Congressman Ryan Costello, who's retiring, accuses the 
president of political malpractice.

Question, are you sure that focusing on immigration over the economy is 
really the right strategy, the best strategy for Republicans?

TILLIS: Well, I think people are taking 30-second sound bites. I was at a 
rally here in Charlotte a week ago, and the president spent a good portion 
of his speech talking about 7 million jobs created. One of the strongest 
and fastest growing economies we've seen in decades. Record unemployment 
for African-American community, for the Hispanic community.

He's spending a lot of his time on that, but when you have to boil it down 
to 15 or 30-sound bites, they're going to pick the piece that seems like he 
is not talking about that.

Let me tell you about something else. He also spends a lot of time on the 
stump talking about how we have to protect pre-existing conditions and it's 
a false narrative for Democrats to come in and say if you like Republicans 
we are going to take that away, we are doing everything we can, including 
myself. I filed a bill to make sure that we protect pre-existing 

If people look at the totality of an hour, hour and 15-minute long speech, 
you're going to see the president spent the bulk of the time talking about 
reduce regulations, increase jobs, reduce unemployment, better stature 
against NATO, taking North Korea and taking China to task on their bad 
behaviors -- all that comes out in his speech.

WALLACE: Well, you have taken us directly in the direction I wanted to go, 
which is health care, which Democrats are making their top issue and here 
is former President Obama on the campaign trail this week.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT: When I was president, Republicans voted 
more than a dozen times to get rid of protections for people with pre-
existing conditions. Last year, they fell one vote short. One vote. If 
they win back this Tuesday, they will finally succeed.


WALLACE: Senator, the fact is that the repeal and replace bill with 
Republicans pushed repeatedly significantly reduced protections for people 
with pre-existing conditions.

TILLIS: Well, Chris, that's actually one of the reasons why I think it was 
a courageous vote. The first thing we have to do is take out the 
underpinnings of the Affordable Care Act so that we can put a health care 
policy in place that's sustainable.

What Senator Van Hollen failed to mention about rising premiums over the 
past few years is that we've significantly reduced the rate of growth and 
one of the reasons why that growth has spiraled over the years because of 
the Affordable Care Act. We want to replace the Affordable Care Act with a 
program that will work, that will provide people who have pre-existing 
conditions with health care, that will allow young adults under the age of 
26 to be on their parents health care policies but something that will 
work, because if we continue down this path, we're going to have a health 
care crisis, not only among those who are serviced by the Affordable Care 
Act, but the broader health care market in this country is headed for 
disaster if we don't recognize we've got to fix it.

WALLACE: But, Senator, and I've only got about 30 seconds here. I don't 
want to get too deeply in the weeds, but repeal and replace bill would have 
allowed states to get waivers for Obamacare and take people with pre-
existing conditions and put them in risk pools where they would have to pay 
a higher premium. And your bill, yes, it says we are going to cover 
everybody with pre-existing conditions, but we're not necessarily going to 
cover the condition that they have that's pre-existing. So, yes, we'll 
cover people who have cancer, but we won't necessarily -- their insurance 
won't cover cancer treatment.

TILLIS: Even -- even if some states opted not to cover, not covering the 
way we would want them to, I think they would get unelected very quickly. 
This is a very popular policy with the American people which is exactly 
where the Democrats are trying to create this false narrative that people 
in Washington and the statehouses want to take it away. I simply don't see 
any path either on the basis of good policy or good politics.

So people with pre-existing conditions are going to get covered and our 
Republican majority that we're going to secure next week is going to work 
to that end.

WALLACE: Senator Tillis, thank you. Thanks for your time.

TILLIS: Thank you, Chris.

WALLACE: And we'll be following how the world turns on Tuesday night.

TILLIS: It'll be a great night.

WALLACE: Up next, we'll bring in our Sunday group to discuss the battle 
for control of the Congress with just two days to go.

Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about President Trump's efforts 
to fire up his base? Just go to Facebook or Twitter, @FoxNewsSunday, and 
we may use your question on the air.



TRUMP: We're the only country in 
the world where a person comes in, has a baby and the baby is essentially a 
citizen of the United States for 85 years with all of those benefits.

We have about 5,008, we will go up anywhere between ten and 15,000 military 
personnel, on top of Border Patrol, ICE and everybody else at the border.


WALLACE: President Trump upping the ante for how 
he'll stop that migrant caravan coming from Mexico, talking about sending 
more troops to the border, changing asylum laws and even ending birthright 

And it's time now for our Sunday group. Fox News senior political analyst 
Brit Hume, columnist for "The Hill", Juan Williams, co-host of "Henson and 
Harf" on Fox News Radio, Marie Harf, and GOP strategist Karl Rove.

Well, Karl, let me start with you. Is immigration the best issue for this 
president to be pushing in the midterms to try to hold onto control of both 
the Senate and the House?

that 80 percent of the American people thought the economy was extremely 
important -- excuse me, health care, and 78 percent found that the economy 
and immigration were extremely important. So these three issues are all 
sort of stuck right there.

Immigration helps only if the Democrats screw it up. For example, Sinema 
in Arizona and McCaskill in Missouri both support the president sending 
troops to the border.

On the other hand, in Tennessee, I saw a poll in Tennessee, 62 percent of 
Tennesseans are concerned about it, 27 percent are not. Bredesen, the 
Democratic nominee said this is not a problem and he thereby created a 
problem for himself.

In Texas, Ted Cruz is beating up Robert Francis O'Rourke over the issue --

WALLACE: I love it. He keeps saying Robert Francis O'Rourke because you 
hate to say Beto O'Rourke.

ROVE: No, it's Beto, Beto.


ROVE: Beto O'Rourke. I'll say, as you like, I'll use --

WALLACE: I kind of like it. It's nice.

ROVE: So, Rafael Cruz is beating up Robert Francis O'Rourke on the issue 
of immigration because O'Rourke refuses to say that he opposes those 
caravans coming across the border, and apparently, his campaign provided 
financial support to the caravan, which may be in violation of U.S. law. 
But anyway, where the Democrats screw it up, it's a problem for `em.

WALLACE: We ask you for questions for the panel and we got this on 
Facebook from Mike Peterson. Why aren't Republicans driving home the 
message on the economy?


WALLACE: Pardon?

HUME: I'll tell you why.

WALLACE: Well, I was going to ask Marie. But you can definitely --


WALLACE: You know what? Go ahead.

HARF: Yes.

HUME: Anger, disappointment, outrage are much more powerful vote 
motivators than satisfaction. People are no doubt satisfied with the 
economy. Unless you can scare them successfully into believing that all 
the good things that have happened in the economy will be taken away if 
your opponent wins, you may well be better off trying to motivate voters by 
talking about something that they're angry about.

WALLACE: Do you agree with that? I mean, we always hear peace and 
prosperity. Clinton, '92, it's the economy, stupid. I guess I'm just 
surprised, and yes, the president does mention it --

HARF: Yes.

WALLACE: -- the focus on immigration to the exclusion to some degree of 
the economy.

HARF: Well, I think it's an open question whether the Trump 2016 playbook 
that he's now sort of using us as his closing argument will actually work 
when he's not on the ballot, when there's a lot of independents and women 
who have had two years to get really angry about his rhetoric and when he 
doesn't have Hillary as a foil.

I think that this closing argument based on immigration, Chris, will -- may 
help them keep a narrow set of Senate seats, but I think it definitely 
hurts when you're talking about the House, when you're talking about the 
swing districts.

And let's not forget, the tax cuts are still not pulling very well. Many 
people in states and districts that the Republicans need to keep, the tax 
cuts are popular, the tariffs are popular. So I don't know whether the 
closing argument that Trump is using will work. If it does it will be in a 
narrow set of places and I do not think it will keep the House for the 
Republicans. I actually think it will help deliver the House to the 

WALLACE: The first midterm election after a new president is historically 
tough for the party of the new president. Let's put up some numbers. 
Since World War II, the president's party loses an average of 28 seats in 
the House in the first midterm, and between two and three seats in the 

Juan, how do you think President Trump is doing in trying to break that 
historic tradition?

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, I think the one advantage 
she has is that he has had an unerring base here, and that base is about 40 
percent of the vote, people who approve of his presidency. And when it 
comes to Republicans, he's up to 80 to 90 percent of Republicans backing 
from. I think it's become the party of Trump.

So what he's done, Chris, in this cycle, and you can look at this travel 
itinerary over the last few days, you can see he's going to red states and 
he's trying to excite red from voters. And that's where the immigration 
method comes in. That's where he thinks that message has tremendous 

It does not, as Marie was saying, have tremendous impact, though, with a 
lot of the white female voters, especially in the suburban areas that are 
so critical in terms of the House races. I think you will see a difference 

And on a larger scale I think, if you look at the advertising over the last 
few days, almost none of it has to do with the economy, which is kind of 
shocking because as you pointed out, the economy is doing fairly well, why 
wouldn't Republicans be running on it? Instead, you see the Republican 
Senate and House candidates actually following the president's lead and 
going with the immigration red meat culture war issue. And again, it might 
work with the base but it doesn't work with independents --

WALLACE: Let me just say, the one person in this panel who has actually 
helped elect a president and did it twice is shaking his head.

I want to ask you this specific question, though, because this is the 
conventional wisdom out there, it's going to help in red states electing 
Republican senators. It's going to hurt in the House races especially in 
suburban districts with better educated people and with suburban women. 
True or false?

ROVE: False. Again, it matters how it gets handled. Is it going to help 
in some congressional districts? Yes, the president is going to West 
Virginia three, which is a battleground district. It's going to help 

Is he going to Illinois six? Peter Roskam? No, but Peter Roskam wants to 
make the final issue the economy and his stewardship of the economy. His 
stewardship, what he has done as a congressman to make a good economy.

I think the White House has been very adroit and how it's deployed the 
president as it comes down to the final stages here.

Let's be clear, no campaign -- this is not a campaign in these individual 
states dominated by the issues. I'm not seeing candidates in Nevada or 
Arizona or Missouri or North Dakota or Indiana running one kind of ad, they 
are running different kinds of ads that appeal to their individual states 
and they tend to be more about the economy and judges than they tend to be 


WILLIAMS: What you see is the ad the Democrats are running are consistent 
in terms of message discipline, on health care. The president can't even 
go to Arizona, can't go to Nevada.

ROVE: He's been to both states.

WILLIAMS: No, but he's not going there, I'm talking about now. The 
spreads --


WALLACE: Wait, gentlemen, I've got about a minute left here and I want to 
ask the guru one more question.

Early voting, we are seeing these historically high numbers, as of Friday, 
28 million people had voted early. Question: is it that people are more 
enthused and intense? Is it just because there's more early voting and 
more opportunity than there used to be? And to the degree -- and you can't 
get me into the weeds here because I've got a minute left.

No, but here -- is it showing a trend?

ROVE: Yes. Bigger almost everywhere. Thirty-seven states voted early and 
it is -- we are going to have the biggest turn out in midterms since 1966 
and it's roughly between like in Arizona 53 percent of the 2016 turnout, 
Florida 68 percent of the turnout.

WALLACE: So, what's the reason and who's it helping?

ROVE: Well, part of it is it is getting to be easier and people are 
falling into the habit, but the main driver is people are wildly 
enthusiastic about coming out and voting, and Republicans are doing 
surprisingly well. In Arizona, a 7.9 percent advantage of the turnout in a 
state that they won last time around by three and a half points. Florida, 
a 2.8 percent swing towards Republicans and early voting in a state they 
won by 1.2 percent. Nevada, a 1.85 percent swing to Republicans in a state 
they lost by 2.45 last time around.

WALLACE: I am so glad we did not get into the weeds. But that was great 
and it's very interesting because you always wonder -- one last quick 
question, is this -- people voting who would have voted on election day 
anyway, and they are just transferring or is this new voters?

ROVE: We don't know but in some places there is evidence that it is 
episodic -- that there are episodic midterm voters and my sense is if you 
got this big in the early voting, we're going to see a lot of people who 
tend not to vote in midterms show up.

WALLACE: OK. We have to take a little break here. We'll see you all a 
little later.

Up next, the White House is re-imposing sanctions on Iran as it pulls out 
of the nuclear deal. But some hardliners say President Trump is not being 
tough enough on Tehran. We'll talk live with the Secretary of State Mike 
Pompeo, next.


WALLACE: Coming up, the Trump administration re-imposes economic sanctions 
on Iran lifted by President Obama as part of the nuclear deal.


toughest ever sanctions on a corrupt regime in Iran.


WALLACE: We'll ask Secretary of State Mike Pompeo what it means for U.S. 
relations in the region, next.


WALLACE: The Trump administration has announced the remaining sanctions 
that were lifted as part of a 2015 Iran nuclear deal will be re-imposed on 
Monday, one day before the midterms. President Trump drove home the point 
Friday when he tweeted this photo with the word "sanctions are coming," a 
nod to "Game of Thrones."

Joining me now live from the State Department, Secretary of State Mike 

Mr. Secretary, welcome back to "Fox News Sunday."

MIKE POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE: Good morning, Chris. Great to be with you 

WALLACE: Your re-imposing, as we said, all U.S. sanctions on Iran, but 
you're giving exemptions to eight countries to allow them to keep buying 
oil from Tehran.

Question, why?

POMPEO: Well, Chris, the sanctions that will be re-imposed tomorrow are the 
toughest sanctions ever put in place on the Islamic Republic of Iran. 
They're aimed at a singular purpose, denying the world's largest state 
sponsor of terrorists the capacity to do things like they did this past 
couple weeks, attempted assassination campaign in the heart of Europe.

These sanctions have already had an enormous impact. We've already reduced 
Iranian crude oil experts by over a million barrels per day. That number 
will fall farther. There's a handful of places were countries that have -- 
that have already made significant reductions in their crude oil exports 
need a little bit more time to get to zero, and we're going to provide that 
to them.

WALLACE: Is it true that your giving exemptions to two of Iran's biggest 
customers, namely India and China? And do you have a firm commitment that 
within six months they will stop all oil purchases? Because there are a lot 
of experts who believe that India and China are never going to stop buying 
oil from Iran.

POMPEO: There are a lot of experts, Chris, that said President Trump's 
policy wouldn't have any impact because it was just the United States and 
other countries weren't participating. And, in fact, we have built an 
enormous coalition to keep this world safe and to deny Iran money.

I am very confident that the sanctions that will be re-imposed this Monday, 
not only the crude oil sanctions, that the financial sanctions that are 
being put in place by the Treasury Department and over 600 designations of 
individuals and companies in Iran will have the intended effect to alter 
the Iranian regime's behavior. That's our expectation. It's the reason for 
President Trump's policy.

WALLACE: But, specifically, sir, do you have a firm commitment from India 
and China that they will stop all oil purchases from Iran in six months?

POMPEO: Chris, watch what we do. Watch as we've already taken more crude 
oil off the market than any time in previous history. Watch the efforts 
that President Trump's policies have achieved. We've done all of this, too, 
Chris, while making sure that American consumers don't suffer. We've bot 
Brent crude at about the same price it was back in May, when the president 
announced the withdrawal from the JCPOA. That's important for American 
consumers and the march to zero continues.

WALLACE: You're talking about how effective these re-imposition of 
sanctions are. But as you well know, there are some people who are 
criticizing the sanctions you're re-imposing and saying they're not tough 
enough. And let me put this up on the screen. Republican Senators -- 
Republican Senators Cruz, Cotton and Rubio plan to introduce legislation to 
cut off Iranian banks from the global financial network known as Swift. And 
a group called United Against Nuclear Iran tweeted this about your 
sanctions. Whatever happened to maximum pressure? They caved, big time.

Mr. Secretary, your response?

POMPEO: Chris, the president's policy of maximum pressure will be fully in 
place come tomorrow. Watch the Iranians. That's who really understands the 
importance and the impact of the effort that we're undertaking. The rial 
has fallen to 140,000 rial to the dollar, and has had an enormous impact 
already. And we are working diligently to make sure we support the Iranian 
people and that we direct our activity towards ensuring that the Islamic 
Republic of Iran's maligned behavior is changed. That's the goal. That's 
the mission. And that's what we will achieve on behalf of the president.

WALLACE: But -- but how do you respond, for instance, to the senators were 
are saying, look, we should have cut them off from Swift, which is this big 
financial clearinghouse.

POMPEO: Yes, Chris -- Chris -- Chris -- Chris, the -- the Iranian banks 
that engage in sanctionable behavior will be sanctioned by the Department 
of Treasury, period, full stop.

WALLACE: I -- I understand what you're saying. On the other hand, you've 
got --

POMPEO: Well, good. That's great, Chris.

WALLACE: Well, if I -- if I may, sir, you've got Senator Cotton, Senator 
Cruz, Senator Rubio, they're -- they're pretty knowledgeable on the 
subject. They're not persuaded.

POMPEO: Chris, I worked with Senator Cotton. We are the two individuals 
that discovered the side deals now almost three years ago to the JCPOA. 
These secret side deals. I've been at this a long time. No one's going to 
argue that Secretary Pompeo isn't tough on Iran and no one is going to 
argue that President Trump isn't doing the same.

WALLACE: Meanwhile, let's turn to another one of your hot spots you're 
dealing with.

North Korea is now threatening to resume its nuclear buildup because they 
say that the U.S. has not matched them in offering concessions, in this 
case lifting economic sanctions. They say that they've made concessions and 
the Trump administration has not followed suit.

POMPEO: Chris, I'll be meeting this week in New York City with my 
counterpart, Kim Yong-chol. We'll have a good opportunity to continue the 
denuclearization discussions that were set out just a few months back. It 
seems like a long time ago in news world, but it was just this past June 
when President Trump and Chairman Kim met and set us on the path that we're 
on today.

We haven't had any missile tests. There have been no nuclear test. We've 
had the returns of American remains. These are all good steps. We're 
continuing to negotiate with the North Koreans to achieve what President 
Trump set out, the full denuclearization verified by the United States of 
the Korean peninsula, and then a brighter future for the North Korean 

WALLACE: But -- but to follow-up specifically, how -- what's your reaction 
to the foreign ministry of North Korea saying -- threatening that they are 
going to resume nuclear activity? What, one, your reaction to that? And, 
two, is there any possibility that to get them to stop that, that the U.S. 
will change its policy and start offering concessions on a kind of tit-for-
tat basis, a phased effort by both countries?

POMPEO: Chris, I'm not worried about rhetoric. We've seen this as we go 
through negotiations. Stray voltage happens to be all around us. We're very 
focused. We know with whom we're negotiating. We know what their positions 
are. And President Trump's made his position very clear, no economic relief 
until we have achieved our ultimate objective.

WALLACE: Let's turn to Saudi Arabia. You met with Saudi Crown Prince 
Muhammad bin Salman about three weeks ago about the death of Jamal 
Khashoggi. And here's what you said after your meeting with the crown 


POMPEO: He told me they were going to conduct a thorough, complete, 
transparent investigation. They made a commitment too, to hold anyone 
connected to any wrongdoing that may be found accountable for that, whether 
they are a senior officer or official.


WALLACE: But since then, I don't have to tell you, the Saudi story has kept 

Do you now think that the Saudi crown prince lied both to you and to 
President Trump with what he told you back then based on all the evidence 
that you have gotten sense, including the tapes that CIA Director Gina 
Haspel has heard? Do you now believe that this was a premeditated hit by 
the Saudi royal family against Khashoggi?

POMPEO: Well, Chris, the Saudis have acknowledged that this was a 
premeditated attack. The facts that we're finding still are unfolding, 
We're still working diligently on that. We talk with folks from Turkey, 
from Saudi Arabia nearly every day to continue those efforts.

We've begun to hold some officials accountable. We've revoked visas from 16 
individuals that we have been able to identify so far that were, in fact, 
connected to that. We'll continue to do that.

And as I said, that day when I return, we will hold all of those 
responsible for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi accountable. And we will do 
that, Chris, at the same time while ensuring that the strategic 
relationship between the United States and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, one 
that has a great impact on the issue we just spoke about, the capacity to 
deny the world's largest state sponsor of terror the ability to threaten 
America and Israel. We will continue to work to maintain that important, 
strategic relationship, while holding accountable those responsible for 
this atrocious death.

WALLACE: Meanwhile, you and Defense Secretary Mattis, this week, called for 
negotiations and a cease-fire within 30 days between the U.S.-backed Saudi 
forces and the rebels that are fighting in a -- in a war inside Yemen.

There are reports that up to 16,000 Yemeni civilians have been killed in 
this conflict and that around 14 million Yemenis are now on the brink, if 
not already, in famine conditions.

Two questions. First of all, are you comfortable with the role that the 
U.S. has played in backing Saudi Arabia in this effort in Yemen? And, 
secondly, if the humanitarian crisis is so urgent, why allow this to 
continue for another month, sir?

POMPEO: Chris, we -- we did make a statement this week, Secretary Mattis 
and I. Frankly, it's nothing new. We have been urging all the parties to 
come to the table and recognize that that there's no military victory that 
could be achieved in Yemen. We've asked the Iranians to do that too, Chris. 
Much of the harm that's taking place there comes from the fact that the 
Iranians continue to supply weapons and missiles to the Houthi rebels that 
are fighting there in Saudi Arabia. They are responsible for the starvation 
in Yemen as well. We want all the parties, under Martin Griffiths of the 
U.N. to come to the table, negotiate a solution that ends the very 
difficult, tragic situation that's taking place in Yemen today.

WALLACE: Secretary Pompeo, thank you. Thanks for your time.

POMPEO: Thank you, Chris.

WALLACE: It's always good to talk with you, sir.

POMPEO: Thank you, sir. Have a good day.

WALLACE: When we come back, where are we on making nuclear deals with Iran 
and North Korea? We'll ask our Sunday group when they return, next.



TRUMP: Sanctions start on Iran. 
They're very serious sanctions. They're very big. They'll be elevated from 
there. But, as you know, sanctions are starting on Iran and, you know, Iran 
is taking a very big hit.


WALLACE: President Trump determined to bring Iran to its knees and to 
negotiate a tougher nuclear deal than the Obama administration did in 2015.

And we're back now with the panel.

Well, Marie, you worked hard as a spokesperson for John Kerry to try to 
make that deal with Iran in 2015. Now President Trump -- and let's put it 
up on the screen, has tweeted out this in "Game of Thrones" style, 
"sanctions are coming."

Your reaction to the tweet and to the policy?

MARIE HARF, FOX NEWS ANALYST: Well, sanctions are a very useful tool. 
They're not a joke and I -- I, obviously, don't like this sort of diplo-
tainment (ph) that the president seems to engage in with many countries. I 
don't like the tweet.

But setting the tweet aside, these are not the toughest sanctions ever 
imposed on Iran because the United Nations and the Security Council will 
not re-impose sanctions -- these are only U.S. unilateral sanctions -- 
because they do not like the president's rhetoric and they haven't seen 
that he has a concrete plan in place to actually have negotiations to get a 
better deal. The rest of the world does not support the president. So U.S. 
unilateral sanctions can only do so much.

And we heard Secretary Pompeo could not say that China and India had 
committed to reducing their oil. I think the president is very good at 
tearing up international agreements, whether it's Iran or Paris or the TPP, 
but he has not shown yet that he can actually undertake serious 
negotiations to rebuild them. And that's what the rest of the world doesn't 
support him right now.


necessary for the rest of the world to like the policy. The rest of the 
world is confronted with a choice. They can continue to do business as they 
have with the United States, or they can continue to do business with Iran. 
For most countries that's a very easy choice, even if you don't like it. 
The United States is by far the big -- the big dog on the -- on the scene 
here and if you choose not to do business with the United States and with 
its banking system and the rest of it, your economy is going to suffer and 
Iran's, of course, is suffering terribly.

WALLACE: But -- but some -- but some European countries are all saying 
somehow they're going to be able to do both. That they're going to carve 
out some kind of special financial channel so that, yes, they can do 
business with the U.S., but, yes, they can also continue because they 
support the Iran nuclear deal.

HUME: They may -- they may say that. Let's see them do it. I didn't used to 
believe this, Chris. I used to think that the United States, without the 
international cooperation and a united front, could not effectively damage 
a country's economy through sanctions. I think I was wrong about that. I 
think they can and I -- and I give President Trump and his team credit for 
understanding that we are by far the big kid on the block.

WALLACE: Juan, the Iran nuclear deal, I think we would all agree, even 
Marie and her former boss John Kerry, was far from perfect. It allowed 
Iran, after a number of years, to resume its program. It didn't stop Iran 
from pursuing and banking terrorism around the world. But, at the same time 
that we have pulled out of that agreement, as imperfect as it is, we are 
struggling to get any agreement with North Korea.

point of contrast, Chris, is that we had a deal with Iran, as imperfect as 
you describe it, but one which stopped them for developing nukes. They 
were, of course, still sponsoring terrorism, as you point out, but stopped 
them from developing nukes. We cannot get the same deal so far with the 
North Koreans. And I think this is a point of great concern because the 
criticism of President Trump is that he has no real foreign policy 
expertise, no experience, and that saber rattling, bombastic talks, "Game 
of Thrones" tweets do nothing but harden the hardliners, strengthening the 
hardliners inside Iran while weakening the moderate revolutionary forces 
that we need to engage.

WALLACE: Karl, I want you -- I'm going to give you a two-for. You can 
respond to Juan. I also want you to talk about Saudi Arabia, because it is 
clear now that Saudi Arabia and the crown prince have clearly lied to us 
about their involvement and premeditation in killing Jamal Khashoggi. The 
president, though, feels that our relationship, and you could hear 
Secretary Pompeo say it, our relationship with the Saudis is too valuable 
to simply cut off. Is he right?

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first, let me deal with Iran.

Look, whether it's deliberate or not, the administration has stumbled into 
a very good policy. The Iranian currency has lost two-thirds of its value. 
There's a deep divide between European companies in the European Union, 
with -- with a major company saying, we're not doing business in Iran. 
Part of that is because of the administration's sanctions. Part of it is 
because once they got in there, they found that it is a command-and-control 
economy in which the bureaucrats are making bad decisions, where resources 
are being diverted to the Revolutionary Guard and where there are some 
structural weaknesses in the economy that make it a very unattractive 

As Brit said, they'd rather do business with us than with a stumbling third 
world country that's going down, down, down, down, down. So I -- you know, 
I thought, frankly, exempting the major countries, there's a youthful 
ambiguity to it. What did the administration want to do? It wanted to 
damage the Iranian economy, not the world economy. It didn't want to have a 
spike in global energy prices that would hurt the U.S. and advantage 
Russia. And so they're doing it, I think, reasonably adeptly.

WALLACE: OK, and how about the way we're balancing our interests in Saudi 

ROVE: Well, look, again, I think they're -- they're -- they are in the 
middle of a very difficult situation and managing it adequately. But let's 
not -- let's not be -- kid ourselves. The lead -- the new leader of Saudi 
Arabia I think has damaged himself on the world stage. Sure, we have 16 
people that they've now identified as having been involved in this 
atrocious, horrendous murder and yet who believes that at the end of the 
day Mohammad bin Salam was not involved in this decision? How we -- how 
Saudi Arabia maintains its place on the world stage with a leader who is so 
damaged and whose credibility is so undermined is beyond me.

WILLIAMS: But, Karl, you say manage adequately that the United States, the 
Trump administration is managing this adequately?

ROVE: I think they are doing an excellent job on it, frankly. Look -- look 

WILLIAMS: Karl, I think we have a standard -- our values. You and I 
obviously disagree on so much politically. We don't disagree about killing 

WALLACE: Just -- just disagree on it very quickly, because you've got ten 

ROVE: Well, look -- look -- the question -- I agree this -- do you blow up 
the entire relationship over this or do you try and manage this so that you 
maintain a relationship while --

WILLIAMS: Karl, we have to stand for what we believe in as Americans.

ROVE: Let me finish.

WALLACE: No, no.

ROVE: Let me finish, by standing for those values --

WALLACE: You know what, let's continue this in the commercial.

Thank you, Panel. See you next Sunday.

Up next, big names go door to door looking for votes on the trail.


WALLACE: As one of the most intense midterm elections ever reaches the end 
game, both sides are desperate for any advantage. President Trump is in a 
final campaign blitz taking him to 11 rallies in eight states. But 
Democrats are pulling out some big guns of their own. With just two days 
left, here's a taste of the action on the trail.


TRUMP: You watch, watch, watch. It's 
going to be very interesting over the next week.


We have a bigger victory. The Senate, governorships, it's going to be a 
great night for America.

TRUMP: I think we're going to do well in the House also, but I know we're 
doing well in the Senate.

encouraging you to vote. Mail in your ballot.


ROMNEY: Oh, that's so good to hear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I voted from some guy named Mitt Romney.

ROMNEY: Oh, good.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, hey, there you go.

REP. TED CRUZ (R), ARIZONA: Thank you for being here.

TRUMP: Democrats want open borders and they want to invite caravan after 
caravan into our country, which brings crime upon crime.

BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Don't fall for the okey-doke. Don't be 
bamboozled. Don't be hoodwinked.

President Trump to secure our borders, build a wall.

KYRSTEN SINEMA, D, ARIZONA SENATE CANDIDATE: I think this is a distraction 
from the issues that voters are really concerned about right now.

JOSH HAWLEY, R, MISSOURI SENATE CANDIDATE: Their agenda is open borders. 
Their agenda is liberal activist judges.

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL, D—MO.: All the bigwigs in the Republican 
Party, they were kind of drooling, chomping at the bit, because you know 
what they thought? They thought Missouri was over. Not so fast. Not so 

the state today.



WINFREY: Hi Denise.


PENCE: I'd like to remind Stacy and Oprah, I'm kind of a big deal too.

reason to go out and vote for something and not just against something. 
That's why we're going to win.

very bright here, but you've got to have good leadership and you got to 
have good policies. And that's exactly what I'll bring as governor.

RICK SCOTT, R, FLORIDA SENATE CANDIDATE: I have a six-year-old grandson. 
He says, grandpa, how are you going to win the election? I said, you get 
more votes than the other person. It's as simple as that.

WINFREY: You get a vote. And you get a vote. And you get a vote!


WALLACE: And if you haven't already gone to the polls, you get a vote on 
Tuesday. Please go do it. You'll feel better about the country and you'll 
feel better about yourself.

And be sure to tune to Fox News Channel for Election Day coverage all day 
and late into the night. Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum will anchor our 
coverage, including the entire Fox News political team, including the 
people around this table.

And that's it for today. Have a great week and we'll see you next "Fox News Sunday."

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