Year of the smart gear

Must have or must miss? Samsung’s Galaxy Gear is a wonderful vision of the future, the stylish watch-phone Dick Tracy would have worn with pride. Yet a litany of shortcomings to this $299 gadget make it little more than a status symbol for gearheads at this point. <a target="_blank" href="">Find out more here</a>. (

Put the Ben and Jerry's down. Microsoft researchers have been developing a mood-sensing 'smart bra' that could prevent overeating when stressed. <a target="_blank" href="">Click here to find out more</a>. (University of Rochester/Microsoft Research.)

If you're already over the smartwatch craze, why not try a 'smartwig'? Sony filed for a patent for a hairpiece with vibrating sideburns. The SmartWig is jammed packed with sensors that vibrate on the user's head to send them messages. The patent also says the wig may include special fibers that look natural and can change shape. <a target="_blank" href="">Find out more here</a>. (US Patent and Trademark Office/Sony)

There is a cold war going on in tech. Almost every major tech player, and some new companies we’ve never heard of, is plotting and planning to win the war ahead: for your wrist. It’s unanimous: the oldest piece of tech: the watch, is now the device of the future. If you’re curious about what kind of technological wonderment may adorn a wrist near you, pull up a chair and get comfy as we run through all the facts and rumors about every smartwatch in development <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>. (Samsung)

From cartoon characters to celebrities faces and misspelled sayings, there are some strange tattoos out there. But one man may have made it to the top of the list. Artist Anthony Antonellis barely winced as a Brooklyn body modification specialist cut open the skin between his thumb and index finger with a 0.75 inch blade and inserted a small RFID chip. Talk about taking smart gear to the next level. <a target="_blank" href="">Click here for more</a>. (animalnewyork/Youtube)

Today's best smartphones still can't alert human owners about an incoming call or text without either annoyingly loud rings or vibrations that can go unnoticed. That's why Nokia would let smartphone owners feel the vibrations on their skin through a magnetic tattoo. <a target="_blank" href="">Find out more here</a>. (Nokia)

So, you know plenty about Google Glass, but there are more than a dozen gadgets from this year that hope to grace your face. <a target="_blank" href="">Click here to find out more</a>.

Now that rumors have turned into reports, talented designers from around the world are giving their take on how Apple's first new product line since the iPad might look. Although an iWatch has not been officially announced, 3D artist Martin Hajek's and MacUser magazine's Adam Banks' came up with their own design for what the device might look like. <a target="_blank" href="">Find out more here</a>. (Martin Hajek/Adam Banks/