
How smart is YOUR watchdog?

Crowded areas are attractive targets for terrorists, and the bubbling, bustling nature of crowds presents a real security challenge -- despite what you see in sci-fi movies.

Current approaches to surveillance largely work by detecting movement. But iOmniscent works in very different and much smarter ways. In fact, the company claims all surveillance systems can be judged on IQ just like humans -- and it's got the only geniuses in the bunch.

Most surveillance systems have functional IQs below 100, merely the median for average human IQ. Only two or three companies can operate in the space above 110, the company claims. iOmniscient has genius-level products, however, Einsteins of the surveillance world.

Indeed, the company has a range of products to deter terrorist attacks. Just how smart are they?

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The common (and simple) intrusion detection, a sort of video analytic tripwire, would be at the moron end of the IQ spectrum. iOmniscient's IQ Infinity takes it a step further with advanced behavioral analysis, crowd management and the ability to detect invisible objects, things left behind, and removed objects. It can do this with a few cameras or with thousands.

IQ 180 Super Sensitive Detection got the brains in the family. It can detect black on black (think black objects hidden in shadows) arguably better than the human eye can, and it can see super tiny ones virtually invisible to the naked eye. Genius IQ-140 -- itself no slouch with the smarts -- can detect small objects too, even in crowded areas where an object has been obscured for a length of time.

In addition to identifying suspicious running and loitering, the IQ 115 Advanced Behavioral Analysis system can warn if security personnel have encountered a problem -- that's right, it's watching the watchmen and monitoring their safety.

Say a superbug hits, a horribly contagious virus of some sort. In a pandemic situation, it's important to identify potential carriers quickly and precisely. The Fevercheck system uses a thermal camera to find sick people. When it does, a normal camera is triggered to record the subject and pick him out of future crowds, something iOmniscent calls IQ Face.

So what makes this one AI system so darn smart?

iOmniscent's software uses several different algorithms to create the genius-level IQ in its AI. "Neural algorithms" function like memory in a human being; the system sees a live image of something and then runs it against its database of images to identify it. "Heuristic algorithms" mimic human reasoning and let a system make deductive conclusions.

Humans can get tired scanning crowds. An AI system vigilantly reviewing images on camera won't suffer fatigue. Broadcasting warnings over loudspeakers in transportation hubs to report unattended bags are intended to encourage extra eyes to widen the net;  a super smart surveillance system can do this legwork for us.

For most technologies, detecting when an object has been left behind (or removed and stolen) is a real challenge. And on the theft front, non-motion detection would be a handy addition to an art museum. Remember  "The Thomas Crown Affair"?

iOnmiscient's non-motion detection software can even identify whether an object has been left behind for just a few moments or for an extended time period in the midst of the hustle and bustle of a crowd.

Airports have proven attractive targets for terrorists too. iOmniscent told War Games that it has already supplied these smart systems to thirteen major airports in the U.S. as well as ones in Europe, Australia, South America, Asia and the Middle East.

These Mensa machines would be welcome additions to other crowded areas like tourist attractions, stadiums, subways and rail.

Ballet dancer turned defense specialist Allison Barrie has travelled around the world covering the military, terrorism, weapons advancements and life on the front line. You can reach her at wargames@foxnews.1eye.us or follow her on Twitter @Allison_Barrie.