
After an extended wait, the much ballyhooed, much reviled Facebook Timeline is finally here, an official blog post Thursday announced to the world.

While the update has been available in some areas -- such as New Zealand last week -- for testing and developing purposes, beginning today, the new feature will be available to everyone everywhere.

Users looking to check out the service immediately can go to the Introducing Timeline page and click "Get It Now" button near the bottom right. Otherwise, an announcement will eventually appear at the top of your profile, according to Facebook.

The world’s most prominent social network hopes its latest digital makeover -- which aggregates and organizes your profile chronologically -- will help you “rediscover the things you shared, and collect your most important moments.

“It’s the heart of your Facebook experience, completely rethought from the ground up,” Zuckerberg gushed when he first introduced the feature during this year’s f8 conference. “Timeline is the story of your life.”

For those worried about what exactly from their past might be popping up with the new profile, Facebook is giving users up to seven days to review their new Timeline before it becomes public.

Reactions to the release have so far been mixed.

"Love the new Facebook Timeline," proclaimed Chris Marie on Twitter. Likewise, another simply called it "horrible."

One user told foxnews.1eye.us that the update "looks fun" but -- wary of how much the site now reveals -- quipped that she's "still not giving out any real information."

"Facebook needs to learn about if it ain't broke, don't fix it," lectured Sue Wilden who deemed the change unnecessary. Corrie Ellas agreed musing that "all we wanted was a dislike button."

Mark Zuckerberg is well acclimated to such polarizing feedback having had his fair share of privacy missteps and controversial updates along the way and Timeline is no different as it looks to further blend that line between the real world and our virtual online profile page.

And whether or not users openly warm to the change, the formula is certainly working. Gawker reported Thursday that Facebook is "swimming in cash," sitting on assets of $5.6 billion including $3.5 billion in cash.