Ocasio-Cortez likens GOP to 'Exorcist' girl, accuses border agents of drugging kids in marathon Instagram session

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D.N.Y., unleashed on her Republican opponents during a marathon Instagram Live session on Wednesday night.

The freshman Democrat compared her GOP critics to "that girl in 'The Exorcist' that's, like, vomiting pea soup," and said she "pities" the role they are playing in not taking action on climate change -- all while putting together some IKEA furniture in her new D.C. apartment.

“The reason Republicans hate me so much is because I confront them directly on their moral — their lack of moral grounding on so many issues and, not just that, but the reason they're so upset and they act like that girl in 'The Exorcist’ that's like vomiting pea soup, that’s like them and negativity,” Ocasio-Cortez said in one clip.


“The reason that they do that is because they need to fiercely protect a paradigm and way of thinking that says short-term gains are more important, no matter how marginal than any long-term loss and any long-term cost.”

The New Yorker then replied in dire fashion to a viewer who asked how many years the planet has left.

“We have 12 years left to cut emissions by at least 50 percent, if not more, and for everyone who wants to make a joke about that, you may laugh but your grandkids will not,” she said, before continuing to compare those who oppose her calls for drastic action on climate change to those who were on the wrong side of history during the civil rights movement.

“Look back and you open history books… you see those folks who are protesting against the ability for African Americans and black Americans to have the right to vote,” she said.


“So just know, that in the present day, there are a lot of people who hide the fact that their families and that their grandparents fought against principles of equal rights in the United States. Not 100 years ago, not 80 years ago, but in this generation’s lifetime.

“So, while a lot of people can hide that their grandparents did that in the civil rights movement, the Internet documents everything and your grandchildren will not be able to hide the fact you fought against acknowledging and taking bold action on climate change.

“People who are trying to mock and delay this moment, I mean, I just feel bad for you. I just pity you for your role in history right now.”

At another point in the video, Ocasio-Cortez appeared to accuse border agents of “trying to cage children at the border and inject them with drugs.”

“That’s not a mistake, that’s a deliberate policy to attack people based on their national origin,” she said.

The comment appeared to be in reference to a lawsuit last year claiming immigrant children were being routinely and forcibly given a range of psychotropic drugs at U.S. government-funded youth shelters to manage their trauma after being detained and in some cases separated from parents.

AOC’s Instagram session came after Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz unveiled the “Green Real Deal” on Wednesday as a free-market counterproposal to the Green New Deal being pushed by Democrats to combat climate change.

“The question for America is pretty simple: either we want a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington telling us what we can’t do, or we empower American innovators to unlock things that we can do,” the Florida congressman said at a press conference in front of the Capitol building.

His plan, which he is putting forward in a House resolution, involves a number of planks including revisiting global trade and intellectual property policies to create “an international marketplace fair to American innovators.”


Gaetz's plan also aims to modernize the electric grid, which he says currently “functions as a wet blanket over American innovation.” Gaetz claims that upgrading the grid will create an “entire class of energy entrepreneurs across the country.” He also wants to "unlock federal lands" from current regulations, saying they can be “an open canvas” for renewable energy research, testing and evaluation.

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