Sen. Barrasso says he wants 'to make Joe Biden a one-half-term president'

Barrasso said he'll accomplish that goal by 'making sure they no longer have the House, Senate and White House'

Senate Republican Chair John Barrasso says he's determined to make President Biden a "one-half-term president."

The Wyoming Republican didn't mince words when speaking at a recent breakfast discussion with the Ripon Society. 

"I'm looking forward to a very successful 2022. Mitch McConnell came under a lot of criticism for saying at one point he wanted to make sure that Barack Obama was a one-term president," Barrasso said. "I want to make Joe Biden a one-half-term president. And I want to do that by making sure they no longer have the House, Senate and White House."

Barrasso also claimed that a Democratic senator told him that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., predicted that Democrats would lose the House and Senate in 2022. 


"One of the Democrat senators told me that he said, ‘Look, we can do all this spending and taxes, but we're going to lose the House or the Senate, or maybe both in two years.’ To which Bernie [Sanders] said, ‘Oh, we’re going to lose them. We've got to do everything now. This is our only chance!’" the senator told the crowd. 

Barrasso accused Biden of being "along for the ride" with Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the helm of the party’s leadership. 


"Joe Biden will never veto a bill. He'll go down in history as a president who has never vetoed a bill because he will sign whatever Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi put on his desk, period. He's not going to get anything he doesn't agree to sign," the senator said. "He's just along for the ride right now. And they're running the show and their party is being driven further and further to the left. When you have a party that is proposing to defund the police and have less security in our country, that's a story that writes itself."

Barrasso accused Democrats of writing legislation designed to fail to push for the elimination of the filibuster, which requires 60 votes - 10 from Republicans in the 50-50 Senate - to pass a bill.


"This is the month that John Thune calls ‘Senator Schumer’s designed-to-fail month,’ because everything he’s bringing up is a hot button issue for them, and we're going to stop all of it. We did with the so-called Paycheck Fairness, which doesn’t really do what it says. You're going to have gun legislation going after the Second Amendment. There's a whole host of things they're going to bring up in June and Schumer wants all of these to fail so then he can then say, 'Look what they’re doing. They're stopping the president. We need to overturn the filibuster,'" Barrasso said. 

"All of this is intended to ramp up animosity against Republicans and get the Democrats all in line. They're not in line now."

The White House defended Biden's record in response to Barrasso's  fiery remarks. 

"The President looks forward to continuing to deliver for the American people, continuing to make government work for them again, and continuing to bring our country together – after having reduced cases of the worst public health crisis in over a century by more than 90%, signed historic economic legislation that helped fuel unprecedented job growth for any administration’s first 100 days in office, protected Americans’ health care, and restored our leadership and competitiveness in the world," White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement to Fox News.  

Fox News' Brooke Singman contributed to this report. 

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