Greg Gutfeld: Media ignores good policing while highlighting the bad

The current narrative about policing is based on isolated events taken out of millions

Hello 911, I’d like to report an act of journalism. The AP actually reported something that's true. First, their weekend headline: 1 verdict, then 6 police killings across America in 24 hours. The subhead: at least six people were fatally shot by officers across the US in the 24 hours after jurors reached a verdict in the murder case against Chauvin.

Now this is usually how the media works. It looks at the current crisis, and thinks – how can we make it worse! "Firefighters put out burning buildings – but people still died!" Hospitals save lives – but people still died! We won World War II – but people still died! So the headline focuses on one variable. 6 killings.

Until you get down into the article. Where the AP, momentarily, changes their tune. Looking at the cases, they write: "the circumstances surrounding each death differ widely. Some happened while officers investigated serious crimes. Police say some of the people were armed with a gun, knife or a metal pole. One man claimed to have a bomb... The deadly encounters are only a small snapshot of the thousands of interactions between American police officers and civilians every day, most of which end safely. "

Whoa. Did I just run head first into a fact? I might need to follow FNC's concussion protocol. I thought the media banned context.

Of course they added, "uneventful encounters.... Are not an issue." Their definition of uneventful is good police work.

Remember the media’s old adage: if it bleeds it was the cop’s fault. So on this rare occasion, reporters admit police actually do a good job – which destroys the narrative. A more accurate headline might have been: "most interactions are resolved peacefully" or "police face unknown dangers." But who would click on that.

So what happens when the media stresses just one variable? It becomes a moment on the Oscars.

Actor Travon Lee, April 25: "Today the police will kill three people, and tomorrow the police will kill three people, and the day after that, the police will kill three people, because on average in America, the police will kill three people a day, which amounts to about 1,000 people a year. Those people disproportionately happen to be Black people.

One variable. But it's not just the peaceful or heroic police encounters that go ignored, but also the primary reason why police show up at all: crime. By the time police are called to a situation, it’s already bad.

No one calls 911 just to say "hi" – well, unless you're Kat.

Here's a New York Post rundown of the Democrat-ruined city I live in – NYC. Seriously: DeBlasio broke this city quicker than a toy made in China.

Shootings have doubled since 2019. In last week alone, shooting jumped a full 250%. Rapes rose 15%, felony assaults 42%, grand larcenies 81%. Murders are up only 6%, but that’s after a year where killings already jumped 45%.

I could get into the kids being shot, but the left might say, "Greg! Getting shot is what kids do – if they don't have knives!"

Finally... Hate crimes have shot up 500%.


But alas, the perp mug shots aren't what the media wants. So they ignore it like it was a kid killed in gang crossfire. If only the perps were angry White males, like this guy:

Tom Shillue: I like the cops.

If you look at nearly all police-involved fatalities, patterns emerge. Noncompliance, illegal drug use, mental illness, even fear. I get it: telling people cops are killing Blacks with impunity may cause Blacks to fear cops. But there's another pattern going on. It's one in which one shooting is covered and another isn't.

This is some serious selective bias. I get it: no one covers a safely landed plane. But imagine doing this with reckless driving: only covering accidents in which the paramedic arrives at the scene, and the driver still dies. You'd be left with a warped view that paramedics kill with impunity.

S---... I don't want to give the left any ideas. Ilhan Omar might start calling to defund the EMTs.


The current narrative about policing is based on isolated events taken out of millions. Who does this help beside the guy remodeling Jeff Zucker's beach house? It doesn't help the people truly in trouble.

I made a chart. Bad things happen in life – illness, accidents, vending machine honey buns – they can all cut your life short. But life choices, the environment you live in and bad luck can lead you to a place where it can only end badly.

Such terrible endings are often preceded by failed social programs and the far left that makes excuses for them. Sadly the media ignores the problems that gets you up there until you get to that moment at the end.

Then all attention is thrusted upon the person who shows up when no one else will: the cop. And because we ignored all the factors leading to that moment – we blame that person. Of course he or she can do a terrible job, so terrible that a jury finds him guilty of murder.


Others, however don't do a terrible job, but only participate in an endless cycle, to the best of their abilities. When they do it right, we don't care. When they don't, we take them apart.

It's estimated 250,000 people die a year due to hospital mistakes. If CNN could tie that to race, their network would look like a "Grey’s Anatomy" marathon. Cops are like offensive linemen in the NFL – the only times their names are mentioned are when they commit an infraction.

The false narrative that cops are unjustly killing minorities at an increasing rate has an unhappy ending. Gone is the decades-long decrease in crime. Lawlessness ain't going anywhere for a long time. The left truly will have no justice – and no peace. 


If you’re a victim of crime: too bad. You aren't clickbait. If you expect the protesters to help: sorry they only read the headlines. Even after the Chauvin verdict, protesters blocked the Brooklyn Bridge. They're demanding to remove the police from city engulfed in a massive crime wave.

Who will show up then? Who will show up to help the innocent? It won't be these marchers, that's for sure. But they will call 911 if someone steals their skateboard.

This article is adapted from Greg Gutfeld's opening monologue on the April 26, 2021, edition of "Gutfeld!"

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