Anne Graham Lotz: As Biden is sworn in as our 46th president, a prayer for our nation

On this day, January 20, 2021, we acknowledge that Yours is the glory and the power.

There are times in prayer when I seem at a loss for words. This is one of those times.

With all of the turmoil, confusion, anger, fear, division and upheaval as we transition to a new administration; with COVID keeping us confined and separated from each other, I know I need to pray, but how? And so I have turned to the familiar prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, putting it into my own words:

Our Father

You are seated on Heaven’s throne in glory, majesty and supreme authority. You are in charge. You don’t make mistakes.


You have promised that You will be with us, even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.  

You use hard times to get us to look up. So we look up! Now! We turn to You!

Thank You for Your promise that when we come to You through faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ, You will hear our prayer because we are Your children.  

We reverence Your name. Yahweh. Yeshua. Jesus.

You have declared that at the sound of Your name one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You are Lord.  

You have revealed that Your name is far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age, but also in the one to come.  

You have been our Help in ages past, and You are our Hope for years to come. You are the God of our founding fathers. You are our God in whom we as a nation have put our trust.


We pray that You would exercise Your authority, fulfilling Your purpose on this earth … in this nation … so that Your will is carried out here as it is in Heaven. Because we know Your will is good, perfect and pleasing to those who live according to it. Your will works. All that is said and done outside of Your will is like chaff that the wind blows away. 

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Now … with so many of us in dire financial need … with businesses shuttered and incomes shrinking … please. Provide for us. Give us what we need each day: food, clothing, rent, house payments and other necessities. Protect us from this deadly pestilence. Restore health to those who are sick.

Many of us feel deeply hurt by others. In response, we choose to forgive those who have attacked us, slandered us, divided us, betrayed us, belittled us, wounded us and deceived us.

We know that if we don’t forgive those who have sinned against us, You will not forgive us our sin against You. So we forgive one another. Now. As we do, heal our hearts. 

We pray You would deliver us from any evil agendas and powers, either foreign or domestic, visible or invisible, that would seek to take advantage of us at this vulnerable moment.

Protect us. Guard us. Defend us.  

Keep us from giving in to temptation to believe the end justifies the means; to plot a course for this nation that is in opposition to You; to wound those who have wounded us; to seek revenge and retribution. We need You now, more than ever.

On this day, Jan. 20, 2021, we acknowledge that Yours is the glory and the power.

You have the final word. You keep the books. You are the Judge of both the living and the dead.  

One day each of us will stand before You and be held accountable for the way we have lived … what we have said and what we have done.

Help us to live every day in the light of who You are with That Day on our minds.


In the name of the One who taught us to pray … Jesus. 



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