Even The Washington Post will admit that the Democratic Party is in for a monumental loss during the upcoming midterm elections. Though few probably expected the outlet’s latest column to argue that losing badly in November might be the party’s best political strategy going forward.

On June 6, Washington Post contributing columnist Matt Bai wrote that Democrats will lose the House "and possibly the Senate" but that might be their best shot at retaining the White House in 2024.

Bai began his column stating, "If you’re a Democrat looking for reasons to be hopeful about your electoral prospects, then I’ve got one of those classic good news/bad news scenarios for you. The bad news … is that your party is heading for a world of hurt in November. Every poll can’t be wrong."

Other liberal media figures have poured cold water on Democrats’ midterm prospects in the last couple of months. 


Joe Scarborough Speaking to Al Sharpton about midterm elections

Some liberal outlets, including MSNBC, have expressed worry about Democratic Party chances in keeping their majorities in the upcoming midterm elections. (Screenshot/MSNBC)

Earlier this year, Washington Post columnist Jen Rubin claimed that the party’s chances are "deeply worrying" and MSNBC’s Chuck Todd claimed that Democrats were in "shellacking" territory. 

Though the author explained that such a scenario might be a good thing for Democrats, "The good news is that getting blown out in 2022 may well be the only path you have to holding the White House in 2024."

Essentially for Bai, the Republican Party that regains power in Congress will look so "crazy" that all Biden would have to do is campaign as a moderate and coast back into the White House.

"But everything we know about modern politics suggests that the best way — maybe the only way — for a Democrat to be re-elected is to also be the last guy standing between the broad American electorate and a whole lot of Republican crazy," he wrote. 

Bai kept pushing his claims of GOP insanity. "These aren’t the conservative revolutionaries of 1994 or even tea-party types of 2010. This is the mutant-gene version of a Republican uprising, a full-on crazy-eyed dystopian movement of conspiracists and authoritarians," he said. 

The columnist cited the historical examples of President Clinton winning re-election after the GOP won both chambers in 1994 because he "moderated his message and stared down the new Republican majority over its shutdown of the federal government."

Donald J. Trump preparing to address crowd

A Washington Post columnist claimed the GOP is still so in orbit around former President Trump that if they win in the midterms, their craziness will convince voters to re-elect Biden. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)


He cited Barack Obama’s re-election as a similar example. "Recast as the lone bulwark against Republican radicalism, Obama was returned to office by a comfortable margin."

Bai also wrote that the current Democratic Party's leftward shift is a liability for Biden because it’s too radical for normal Americans. "Biden, similarly, has spent most of the past two years trying to satisfy the ascendant left of his party — the cringy-sounding ‘Squad’ and so forth — in a mostly vain effort to enact some kind of sweeping agenda." 

"The party in charge has spent inordinate amounts of time talking about police reform and college loan forgiveness, while the rest of the country worries far more about rising crime and the price of gas and groceries," the columnist added. 

If the Democrats lose the majority, Bai argued, then Biden will be free "to pursue the kind of mainstream liberal agenda — his landmark infrastructure law being a good example — that the voters thought they were getting in the first place."


Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin

Fellow Washington Post columnist Jen Rubin expressed she was "deeply worried" for Democrats in the midterm elections. (William B. Plowman/NBC/NBC Newswire/NBCUniversal via Getty Images)

Again, the author went back to the craziness of Republicans. "A newly emboldened Republican majority — like space junk orbiting its Trumpian star — will gravitate even more strongly toward antidemocratic themes of election fraud and intolerance… Biden will have the chance to rebrand himself as the grown-up standing firm against bullies and extremists."

Bai insisted that the GOP will make the country look so bleak that "Biden will look like Abraham Lincoln by comparison."