Tammy Bruce to Bill Weld and others violently vilifying Trump: 'look in the mirror to find the worst among us'

New reaction from Fox Nation host Tammy Bruce after former Massachusetts Gov. and 2020 Republican primary contender Bill Weld suggested that President Trump should be killed for committing treason.

"In a normal world this would be shocking and it would not come from someone Americans take seriously, but it highlights how seriously broken opponents of the President have become.  It is also a reflection of the nature of the rhetoric that the establishment has propagated ever since they felt threatened by the Trump presidency," Bruce told Fox News.


On Monday, Weld appeared on MSNBC to weigh in on the escalating controversy over the President's phone call to the President of Ukraine.  Scrutiny of the call was sparked by reports of a whistleblower's complaint that the President suggested a quid pro quo with a foreign leader, and now additional reports that the White House froze some aid to Ukraine shortly before Trump asked Ukraine's president to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Administration sources told Fox News that the reason for the aid freeze was tied to concerns about corruption.

“Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election, it couldn’t be clearer. And that’s not just undermining democratic institutions, that is treason. It’s treason pure and simple. And the penalty for treason under the U.S. Code is death. That’s the only penalty," said Weld on MSNBC sitting alongside fellow GOP primary challengers Joe Walsh and Mark Sanford.

In a recent opinion piece on foxnews.1eye.us and in the latest episode of "Get Tammy Bruce" on Fox Nation, Bruce examined the apparent rise of violent rhetoric among critics of the President.  Just weeks later after writing that piece, she found it glaring relevant again, though she said that was not a surprise.

"When I wrote this opinion piece I knew that we were on this trajectory.  It turned out to be – unfortunately – what we call ‘evergreen commentary’ because it would still be relevant weeks, months and even years later.  This is now the trajectory of the Left and critics of the President... unleashing even more unhinged rhetoric to demonstrate to the baying leftist mobs how much they hate him," explained Bruce.

In her column and on Fox Nation, Bruce also argued that the level of vitriol directed at the President is rooted in the establishment's distaste for the voters that propelled Trump to the White House.

"The public chattering class of Democrats and Republicans who remain apoplectic about Trump’s success and their own pathetic failures hate Trump because they hate the average American who put him in office. The president is the proxy for the American voter and every person who dared to fire the establishment in 2016, and it’s those people who must be dealt with," wrote Bruce.

Additionally, the examples of this dangerous rhetoric are numerous and growing, according to Bruce, and she believes the media plays a role in stoking it.

"We’ve heard comments that suggest violence, recently from Jennifer Rubin, as an example, who is touted as the "conservative" columnist at the Washington Post. She said in an interview that it is not enough to defeat Trump but that they need to ‘burn down’ the Republican Party so that there could be no 'survivors,'" she continued, "Joe Walsh, a Republican who's running for president and who has made clear he hates the president, says he is not running against the President’s policies, but to punch him in the face every day."

"Relying on violent rhetoric is now a trend and it is almost as if they have to one-up each other in order for the media to keep giving people like them airtime.  It’s as though they feel the next thing they say has to be more dangerous or violent or extreme in order to prove that you are with the people that hate the president.  It’s a mob mentality and it feeds on itself."

Bruce concluded with this, "These people who imagine themselves the intelligentsia, the moral arbiters of our society, the decent ones, they assure us, must be given the reins of power to protect us from the bad man in the White House. As they call for the physical assault, arrest and even execution of the president of the United States. They say they're protecting us from the bad, bad, man when in fact all they have to do is look in the mirror to find the worst among us. "

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