Ronan Farrow stood by his reporting on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during the bitter 2018 confirmation battle, saying on Wednesday evening that he was "very proud" of his work.

Appearing on "Special Report with Bret Baier," Farrow was asked about a report he co-authored in The New Yorker, which detailed a claim from a woman named Deborah Ramirez, who alleged that Kavanaugh sexually harassed her during a Yale University party. Critics slammed the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist's report for lacking eyewitness corroboration.

"The coverage of Brett Kavanaugh is something that I'm very proud of, and that follows a body of reporting that has mostly focused on unflattering information about Democrats," Farrow told Bret Baier. "When I report a story, it is about ferreting out the truth, and in this case, subsequent analysis by other publications including two New York Times reporters who just dug into this for a year and found Deborah Ramirez credible."

He continued, "The consensus, I think, has come to understand the individual, careful pieces of reporting that I put out were there because it was newsworthy and there was a high level of corroboration."


Farrow did acknowledge, however, that some "dubious claims" were made against Kavanaugh during his confirmation that he "declined to report on" amid the heightened media climate, which he said was "deeply disturbing."

"I was as troubled as all of the people who came to question the full body of reporting about Brett Kavanaugh, but the complicated case there was that there were allegations worth reporting on, and I did so carefully, along with colleagues of mine, as well as a frenzied political climate where I think there were spurious allegations quite possibly being made."

In his new book, "Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators," Farrow detailed the resistance he said he faced from his former bosses at NBC News while reporting on disgraced film mogul Harvey Weinstein. The book exposed several allegations against former NBC anchor Matt Lauer and said top executives knew about the accusations longer than they claimed.


"In a new book, it is alleged that an extramarital, but consensual, sexual encounter I have previously admitted having, was in fact an assault," Lauer responded in a letter. "It is categorically false, ignores the facts and defies common sense."

"Matt Lauer’s conduct was appalling, horrific and reprehensible, as we said at the time. That’s why he was fired within 24 hours of us first learning of the complaint. Our hearts break again for our colleague," NBC News announced last week.