Mom blasts Maryland teachers' association for claiming standardized tests are 'dangerous' and 'white-centered'

National Education Association affiliate in Maryland called standardized tests 'dangerous.'

A Maryland teachers' association blamed "white-centered contexts" for causing some students to be left behind academically, according to its website. 

The Maryland State Education Association listed under their "racial and social justice" page on how standardized tests are biased against students of color. 

"MSEA has a long tradition of opposing dangerous standardized tests that for so many years left strong students behind because of the white-centered contexts, and strongly advocating for culturally relevant pedagogy and instructional practices, restorative approaches to maintain safe and healthy school communities, the use of trauma-informed best practices and a focus on social-emotional learning, and unencumbered access to equitable opportunities for all students," the association stated on their website. "We believe that the lives of our Black and Brown students matter and that all students have a fundamental right to be educated in safe, healthy, and supportive learning communities and all educators deserve safe, healthy, and supportive working environments."

The Maryland State Education Association, an affiliate of The National Education Association, represents 76,000 members in the state. 

The Maryland State Teachers Association, an affiliate of The National Education Association, represents 76,000 members in the state. 


A teacher in Maryland, Julie Giordano, told Fox News Digital that this represents a wider problem in Maryland education to focus on so-called "equity" at the expense of academics. 

"I was actually really appalled to see that. I am not part of the teachers union. I actually opted out years ago because they don't really support the candidates that I want to support," Giordano said, who is also running for Wicomico County executive as a Republican.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic forced students to learn from home, education has become a top issue for voters.  (iStock)

She went on to say that Maryland is focusing on left-wing agendas instead of declining literacy rates and competencies. 

"It's just frustrating as a teacher," she said. "We have just lowered the bar in education. Unfortunately for students, I think that they have to do the bare minimum in order just to pass."

Giordano said the situation is not hopeless and that people are starting to wake up.

Julie Giordano, who is running for county executive in Wicomico County, Maryland, speaks with Fox News Digital about her dissatisfaction with the education system. (Fox News Digital)


"I want the people…  to know [is] that we have woken up – and it's about time," she said. 

"I think that we have kind of sat with our eyes closed for a long time. And I think that people are starting to see the importance of local elections, which is great. It can't just be presidential or even just the governor's race. We really need to make sure that down-ticket we are voting in the very best people," she said. "Change is coming... and it's coming very soon."

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