CNN’s left-wing pundit Brian Stelter, who once hailed the "leadership" of Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, did not devote a single minute of his Sunday morning program, "Reliable Sources" to the growing scandal surrounding the embattled governor.

Instead, Stelter devoted time to providing free publicity to "Room Rater," a Twitter account created early in the COVID pandemic that uses a 1-10 scale to rate rooms seen in interviews on TV.

A segment of Brian Stelter’s "Reliable Sources," with the show name noticeably misspelled.

A segment of Brian Stelter’s "Reliable Sources," with the show name noticeably misspelled. (CNN)

"I will admit, I did grovel for a 10 out of 10 rating by going to the grocery store and buying a pineapple for my shelf, because Room Rater loves pineapples," Stelter said on his program.

Stelter’s hard-hitting coverage of "Room Rater" coincided with two Democratic New York state lawmakers withdrawing their support for Governor Cuomo over allegations of sexual harassment and undercounting COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes.

But just when you thought that was enough to no longer 'rely' on CNN to cover facts... more evidence is coming to light. 

The network's left-wing pundit's show's name printed on the banner was spelled incorrectly. 

'Reliable Sources' instead reads 'Relialbe Sources' plastered right at the top of the chyron. 

On Saturday, another woman who worked for Cuomo publicly accused him of inappropriate behavior, on the heels of other allegations in recent weeks.

The woman, Ana Liss, told The Wall Street Journal in a story published Saturday that when she worked as a policy aide to the governor between 2013 and 2015, Cuomo called her "sweetheart," kissed her hand and asked personal questions including whether she had a boyfriend.

Karen Hinton, a former press aide to Cuomo when he served as the federal housing secretary under President Bill Clinton, detailed an uncomfortable hotel room interaction she also had with Cuomo in a story published Saturday in The Washington Post. Hinton, said that as she got up to leave, he gave her a hug that was "very long, too long, too tight, too intimate."


Cuomo's workplace conduct has been under intense scrutiny in recent days as several women have publicly told of feeling sexually harassed, or at least made to feel demeaned and uncomfortable by him. The state's attorney general is investigating.

Former adviser Lindsey Boylan, 36, said he made inappropriate comments on her appearance, once kissed her on the lips at the end of a meeting and suggested a game of strip poker as they sat with other aides on a jet flight. Another former aide, 25-year-old Charlotte Bennett, said Cuomo asked if she ever had sex with older men and made other comments she interpreted as gauging her interest in an affair.

Another woman, who did not work for the state, described Cuomo putting his hands on her face and asking if he could kiss her after they met at a wedding. 

Cuomo has denied ever touching anyone inappropriately, but apologized for behaving in a way that he now realized had upset people.

Stelter, like other reporters on his network (including the governor’s own brother Chris Cuomo), have made an unprecedented push to downplay and deflect from the Democrat's controversies, with the far-left network giving its developments little to no airtime.  

A bombshell development in the scandal embroiling the New York Democrat emerged last week when an Albany-based watchdog group directly linked Cuomo's order to more than 1,000 additional resident deaths. The state's death toll among nursing home residents has surpassed 15,000 since the onset of the pandemic.

After weeks of silence, Stelter finally addressed the nursing home scandal on his show late last month after ignoring a New York Post report revealing that a top Cuomo aide admitted to Democratic lawmakers that the administration had withheld data to avoid federal scrutiny. 

Last week, Cuomo addressed the elephant in the room at the top of his prime-time show, saying that he knows "what is going on" with his older brother but could not cover it due to his conflict of interest.  

"Obviously I'm aware of what is going on with my brother. And obviously, I cannot cover it because he is my brother," the younger Cuomo said. "Now, of course, CNN has to cover it. They have covered it extensively and they will continue to do so."


The statement was significant, given that the network allowed Cuomo to conduct lighthearted interviews with his older brother last year at the outset of the pandemic. Cuomo's statement seemed tantamount to an admission that their on-air comedy routines, during which he called his brother the "Love Gov" and admitted he could not be objective, were inappropriate. 

Fox News’ David Ruiz, Yael Halon and The Associated Press contributed to this report.