President Biden's coronavirus vaccine order mandating that select employees be vaccinated by Jan. 4 leaves hardworking Americans no choice but to get the jab or lose their job, "Fox News Primetime" host Rachel Camps-Duffy explained on Thursday.

Campos-Duffy: If you thought you were safe from the mandate, think again. Joe Biden will not stop until every last American is vaccinated… Believe it or not, Joe Biden is using OSHA to force all businesses with 100 employees or more to comply with the mandate by Jan. 4th or face punitive fines of up to $14,000 per violation. Now the average business owner, even if he or she disagrees with the mandate, will not be able to afford tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fines. They'll have no choice but to fall into line. For employees, compliance means getting the shot, or they'll coerce you by making your life as miserable as possible with mandatory testing that you may have to pay for out of your own pocket. 

In addition, only unvaccinated workers will be forced to wear a mask, which creates division and stigma in the workplace. Thanks, OSHA. And there's zero science in doing this. Natural immunity isn't even being considered. Think about how many people have already had COVID, and at the same time, the government and Big Tech are suppressing information about the people who have suffered from adverse effects from the shot…

And let's take a minute to consider the timing of these mandates. The Biden administration initially eyed a December deadline for its federal contractors just weeks before Christmas. They know thousands, if not millions, of people, will lose their jobs Because of this. It would hobble our already struggling economy and ruin the holidays for families across the country, so they just pushed it back a month. Well, maybe that will help Joe Biden sleep a little better at night. But this authoritarianism will never end unless freedom-loving Americans fight back.