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Rittenhouse trial: Jurors go home for the evening after first day of deliberations: LIVE UPDATES

The jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has gone home for the day.

06:50 PM, November 16, 2021

Rittenhouse jurors to go home for the evening, will resume deliberations in the morning

Judge Bruce Schroeder retired the jury for the evening around 5:50 p.m. CT after the first day of deliberations in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.

The 18 jurors who have been hearing the case reported to the court house at 9:00 a.m. Rittenhouse then drew slips of paper out of a raffle drum to determine the six alternates. 

The 12 remaining jurors, seven women and five men, deliberated all day aside from a lunch break around noon. 

Judge Schroeder said it has been standard practice for at least 20 years in his courtroom for a defendant to randomly select the jurors.

Jurors requested copies of pages 1 through 6 of the jury instructions in the morning and then requested copies of the rest of the 36 pages in the afternoon. 

They will report back to the courthouse on Wednesday morning to resume deliberations at 9:00 a.m. CT.

Posted by Paul Best
05:23 PM, November 16, 2021

Mark McCloskey clashes with protesters outside Rittenhouse trial as jurors deliberate

Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis lawyer who made national headlines last year when he carried a gun on his property near a social justice protest in his neighborhood, argued with a protester outside the Kenosha County Courthouse on Tuesday afternoon. 

"It really hurts me that you would have that much hatred,” the protester told McCloskey. 

"There is absolutely no hatred involved in what I did,” McCloskey responded. "They came in, storming through my gate, broke down my gate, stormed toward my house, and I was afraid for my life."

Mark McCloskey is now running for the U.S. Senate in Missouri.

Inside the courthouse, a jury of seven women and five men has been deliberating the fate of accused Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse since Tuesday morning.

Posted by Paul Best
05:20 PM, November 16, 2021

Judge will poll jurors to see if they want to keep deliberating past 5 p.m.

Judge Bruce Schroeder will poll jurors at 5:00 p.m. CT to see if they want to keep deliberating into the evening. 

The jury, which is made up of seven women and five men, reported to the courthouse around 9:00 a.m. and began deliberating about 30 minutes later.

Posted by Paul Best
04:18 PM, November 16, 2021

Jurors request copies of full jury instructions in Rittenhouse trial

The jury requested 11 more copies of pages 7 through 36 of the jury instructions on Tuesday afternoon after requesting pages 1 through 6 this morning. 

The instructions are 36 pages in all, so these are copies of the complete jury instructions.

Judge Bruce Schroeder spent all day Friday discussing the instructions with the prosecution and defense and continued hashing out edits on Monday morning.

Posted by Paul Best
02:30 PM, November 16, 2021

Protesters chant outside courthouse as jury deliberations continue

Posted by Paul Best
01:50 PM, November 16, 2021

Protest escalates outside Kenosha courthouse

Around two dozen protesters and counter-protesters have now gathered outside the Kenosha County Courthouse as a jury -- which currently is on a break -- is deliberating the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Three police vehicles are at the scene to monitor the situation, according to Fox News Digital's Stephanie Pagones.

Posted by Greg Norman
01:38 PM, November 16, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Who are the key players?

Jury deliberations kicked off Tuesday in the trial for Kyle Rittenhouse, an Illinois man accused of fatally shooting two people and wounding a third during chaotic August 2020 demonstrations in Kenosha, Wisconsin. 

The demonstrations were sparked by the police shooting of Jacob Blake two days prior. Closing arguments in Rittenhouse's trial wrapped Monday, and protesters chanting outside Tuesday could be heard from inside the courtroom.

Click here to read about the key players in this case.

Posted by Fox News
01:26 PM, November 16, 2021

Jury goes on lunch break

Deliberations in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial currently are paused as the jury has gone on a lunch break.

Posted by Greg Norman
01:14 PM, November 16, 2021

Scenes outside the courthouse

Posted by Fox News
01:11 PM, November 16, 2021

Wisconsin Gov. Evers: 'Regardless of outcome... I urge peace in Kenosha and across our state'

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers is asking the public Tuesday to "please respect the Kenosha community and their efforts to come together" as a verdict nears in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

"I ask all those who choose to assemble and exercise their First Amendment rights in every community to do so safely and peacefully," he said in a statement.

"Kenoshans are strong, resilient, and have worked hard to heal and rebuild together over the past year," Evers added. "Any efforts to sow division and hinder that healing are unwelcome in Kenosha and Wisconsin."

Posted by Greg Norman
01:07 PM, November 16, 2021

Protesters speak to Fox News outside the courthouse

As the jury in the Rittenhouse trial began deliberations, Fox News spoke with two protestors outside of the courthouse about what could happen in Kenosha if the jury acquits the 18-year-old of charges that he shot three people during protests in 2020, killing two. 

“We hope it won’t cause violence” one protestor leading anti-Rittenhouse chants through a megaphone told Fox News.

Another woman said if there is violence, it will be from Rittenhouse supporters.

“If he’s acquitted, you’re going to have these idiots [Rittenhouse supporters] out here doing stupid s---,” she said.

The same woman said she worried if there was violence following the verdict, minorities would be characterized as responsible.

"Us Black people that live in Kenosha, us Brown people that live in Kenosha are going to be blamed for that.”

Posted by Matthew Wall
12:51 PM, November 16, 2021

Kenosha Sheriff’s Department: We ‘understand and recognize the anxiety' surrounding the trial

The Kenosha Sheriff’s Department and Police Department, in a joint statement , say at this time “we have no reason to facilitate road closures, enact curfews or ask our communities to modify their daily routines” as a verdict nears in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. 

The departments also say they “understand and recognize the anxiety surrounding the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.” 

“There are many questions being asked from our community as well as media outlets,” the statement added. “Our departments have worked together and made coordinated efforts over the last year to improve response capabilities to large scale events.” 

Posted by Greg Norman
12:38 PM, November 16, 2021

Rittenhouse verdict watch puts Kenosha business owners on edge

Business owner Scott Carpenter provides insight on ‘America’s Newsroom' as Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers activates 500 National Guard members in preparation for the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.

Posted by Fox News
12:23 PM, November 16, 2021

Jury asks for copies of self-defense instructions

Forty-five minutes into deliberations, the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has asked for 11 copies of jury instructions, particularly pages 1-6 which go over the terminology of self-defense. 

Posted by Fox News
12:20 PM, November 16, 2021

Video: Tempers flare outside courthouse

Posted by Greg Norman
11:23 AM, November 16, 2021

Demonstrator says he’s ‘worried about Kenosha’ following Rittenhouse verdict

A demonstrator outside the Kenosha County Courthouse told Fox News Digital’s Michael Ruiz that he thinks the verdict will go in Kyle Rittenhouse’s favor, but that he’s “worried about Kenosha because I don’t want to see nobody hurt. 

The comment comes as five protesters in support of Black Lives Matter have gathered outside the building, along with a trio of counter-protesters. 

“I am for peaceful protesting. I am for free speech,” the demonstrator from Milwaukee said. 

“I am here to support Kyle Rittenhouse because I’m a constitutionalist, I believe that he defended himself,” he added. 

Posted by Greg Norman
10:45 AM, November 16, 2021

Protesters once again gather as chanting can be heard inside courtroom

Protesters have returned outside the Kenosha County Courthouse on Tuesday as jurors are now deliberating the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Two demonstrators were filmed on video shouting on megaphones on the building's steps.

The noise could be heard inside the courtroom, according to Fox News' Jiovanni Lieggi.

Posted by Greg Norman
10:19 AM, November 16, 2021

Final jury is chosen in Rittenhouse trial

Kyle Rittenhouse has selected 6 of the 18 jurors Tuesday to be alternates.

The other 12 -- seven women and five men -- have been sent off by the judge to begin deliberations.

Posted by Greg Norman
09:57 AM, November 16, 2021

Jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial assemble for deliberations

Click here to watch on Fox News.

Posted by Greg Norman
09:55 AM, November 16, 2021

Jurors to be selected before deliberations begin

The numbers of the 18 jurors inside the Kenosha County Courthouse will soon be placed in a wooden tumbler, which is original to the courtroom, according to Fox News' Jiovanni Lieggi.

Six of the numbers will be pulled and the remaining 12 will decide the case.

Posted by Greg Norman
09:22 AM, November 16, 2021

Demonstrators demand Kyle Rittenhouse be found guilty outside Kenosha County Courthouse

Demonstrators gathered outside the Kenosha County Courthouse during closing arguments on Monday and demanded Kyle Rittenhouse be found guilty.

Posted by Fox News
02:33 AM, November 16, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Jury to begin deliberations after closing arguments made

The prosecution painted Kyle Rittenhouse as a "chaos tourist" who went to Kenosha last August looking for trouble during closing arguments on Monday, while his defense attorney argued that the then-17-year-old was just trying to protect businesses when a "crazy person" ambushed him and forced Rittenhouse to defend himself. 

Judge Bruce Schroeder ordered the jurors to assemble on Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. for deliberations after two weeks of testimony from about 30 witnesses. 

Rittenhouse is facing charges of first-degree reckless homicide, first-degree intentional homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide, and two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety. 

The judge tossed one charge of possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18 on Monday after Rittenhouse's defense team argued that a subsection of the law concerning short-barreled rifles was grounds for dismissal. 

Click here to read more on Fox News

Posted by David Aaro

Coverage for this event has ended.