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Longtime GOP senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole dead at 98

Former Republican Sen. Bob Dole died at age 98 on Sunday


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Statement by Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Nixon Eisenhower on the Passing of Senator Bob Dole

"We are deeply saddened by the passing of Senator Bob Dole, a dear and treasured friend of the Nixon family and an American patriot who will always be remembered as one of the greatest of the Greatest Generation. A product of our country’s heartland, he served our nation with great heart, intelligence, and dedication during the many decades of his public life.

We share the extraordinary admiration that our parents held for this remarkable man. Few Americans have given as much to our nation, at as great a personal cost, as Bob Dole. Decorated and disabled war hero, accomplished legislator, tireless chair of the Republican National Committee, effective Senate Republican leader, proud standard bearer of the GOP as President Ford’s running mate in 1976 and as his party’s presidential nominee in 1996.

Both in and out of public office, Bob Dole has inspired countless numbers of his fellow citizens by his courage, character, and commitment to our nation and its veterans. How American.

Today, our family joins with Elizabeth, Robin, and millions of grateful Americans in giving thanks for Senator Dole’s — our dear friend Bob’s — unmatched life of devoted, patriotic service."

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Julie Eisenhower, through her husband David Eisenhower, is also the granddaughter in-law of 34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose birthplace was also Kansas (Abilene, KS)

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George & Barbara Bush Foundation release statement on passing of Bob Dole

"America lost one of its greatest patriots today. As the most prominent remaining member of the 'greatest generation,' Senator Dole never stopped serving his country, and our veterans never had a better friend ally or champion.

President Bush and Senator Dole were close personal friends, having competed at the highest level of American politics while maintaining the utmost respect for each other. Bob Dole's lifetime of service -- in uniform, public office and as a citizen statesman -- is a model for all Americans to admire and aspire to."

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Statement by Fred Ryan, Chairman of the Board of the Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute

"The Reagan Foundation mourns the loss of Senator Bob Dole, a remarkable American Patriot and Statesman who served our country with distinction in the famed 10th Mountain Division of the United States Army during World War II, as an attorney, a Member of Congress, a United States Senator, including eleven years as the Majority and Minority Leader of the Senate and the Republican Party's Presidential nominee in 1996.  

Upon presenting Senator Dole with the Presidential Citizens Medal on January 18, 1989, President Reagan said, "Whether on the battlefield or Capitol Hill, Senator Robert Dole has served America heroically. Senate Majority Leader during one of the most productive Congresses of recent times, he has also been a friend to veterans, farmers, and Americans from every walk of life. Bob Dole has stood for integrity, straight talk, and achievement throughout his years of distinguished public service."

Although, when running against each other for the 1980 Republican Presidential nomination, Ronald Reagan and Senator Dole were political opponents, they grew to have a deep admiration and friendship.  Senator Dole's passing is a huge loss for our great nation, and our thoughts and prayers go out to his loving and dedicated wife of 45 years, Secretary Elizabeth Dole and his daughter, Robin."

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Ken Starr, Former Whitewater Independent Counsel & Fox News Contributor, shares thoughts on Dole

"One of the greatest members of the Greatest Generation has now passed into eternity. A valiant war hero, this patriot-son of Russell, Kansas led an exemplary life in full, with a long and inspiring career as one of the true giants in the history of the United States Senate."

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Statement from former Senator Kelly Ayotte on passing of Bob Dole

“Senator Bob Dole was a true American patriot and a gentleman. He served our country with courage and distinction and he will be remembered as a leader who brought us together and made our country stronger.

I will not forget that I had the privilege of reading his testimony on behalf of disabled Americans before the Senate HELP Committee because he was unable to be present. It was a true honor and he was so kind and after, he sent flowers to home to thank me— when truly I was the one who was grateful to have the honor to represent him."

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Statement from former Senator and Presidential Candidate Joe Lieberman

“Bob Dole was a party leader who was not really partisan, a loyal Republican who was always open to bipartisan alliances. That was because Bob always put our country first. From his heroic service in World War II to his long service in the US Senate, he showed himself to be a patriot.

As he once memorably said, the focus of his life’s service was not Congress It was America. That is why at this intensely partisan time, Bob Dole’s public life is a lesson for all who would serve in Washington. I am blessed to have wonderful memories of working with Bob in the Senate. From our partnership in getting the votes (62-47, it was close) to authorize President Bush to go to war in 1991 to get Saddam Hussein’s invading army out of Kuwait, to convincing President Clinton to act to stop the genocide against Bosnian Muslims, to bringing the newly liberated countries of the former Soviet Union into NATO as soon as possible to protect them from a resurgent Russia, we stood proudly together with other Republicans and Democrats.

Bob was a decent and kind man in a characteristically Kansas American way. I experienced that personally in so many ways.

 And Bob Dole had a warm and wonderful sense of humor. The morning after Al Gore and I conceded the 2000 election, the first call I received was from Bob:

 “Good morning Joe. I am calling to congratulate you on becoming a member of a very exclusive club - people who have lost national elections. I am the president of the club because I’ve lost more than anyone else.”

I couldn’t have asked for a better way to begin that difficult day. Hadassah and I send our love and condolences to Liddy Dole and all of Bob’s family.

 We pray with confidence that angels will sing Bob Dole to his eternal rest. “

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Former Kansas Gov. Katheen Sebelius remembers Bob Dole

“I’ve known Bob Dole for almost 50 years, since I first came to Kansas. My father-in-law, Keith Sebelius was his Congressional colleague in the Kansas delegation. He was a proud partisan but always willing to work with Democrats on issues which advanced the good of the country-like disability rights and veterans’ programs-and the Sunflower State. He helped lead our effort to secure an important federal research facility when I was governor, as well as leading our successful bi-partisan effort to stabilize and expand the military presence in KS.

Bob Dole was my first phone call when his law partner, Tom Daschle, withdrew his nomination for HHS Secretary. He mobilized support for me, introduced me at the Committee hearings and attended my swearing in.

I am proud to serve on the Advisory Board of the Dole Center at the University of Kansas.

Bob Dole spent his life in service to his country and the state he loved. In this highly polarized political environment, Bob Dole’s examples of finding common ground to advance the common good will be missed. I send condolences to his daughter, Robin and to Elizabeth for their loss.” 

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Sen. Lindsey Graham On The Passing Of Former Senator Bob Dole

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on the passing of former Senator Bob Dole.

Like most in his generation, Bob Dole was willing to sacrifice everything for his country.

As a soldier, he suffered horrendous injuries for the cause of defeating Nazi Germany. As a political leader, he was one of the strongest voices for a strong national defense and made America a better place.

 He was instrumental in the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act because he understood their needs.

 He led the Republican Party with honor and passion for common-sense conservatism.

 He found middle ground when required for the good of our nation.

On a personal note, he was a dear friend and served as Chair of my first campaign for the Senate. He was always helpful and supportive.

Bob Dole was one of the giants of the Senate and one of the bravest of the brave. He has now reaped the benefits of a well-lived life and eternal peace in heaven.

 To Elizabeth and the entire Dole clan: please know that millions of Americans have you in their prayers. Bob Dole was loved and respected, and his life was as good as it gets.”

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All 6 living U.S. presidents have commented on Sen. Dole.

All living U.S. presidents released statements on the death of former Sen. Bob Dole Sunday.

The former presidents include Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and current President Joe Biden.

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Statement from former President Carter on Sen. Bob Dole

"Rosalynn and I are deeply saddened to learn of the death of former Sen. Robert Dole. A true leader, Bob was willing to work across political parties to make progress on important issues. He showed that our differences need not divide us, but can foster effective answers to our nation’s most difficult problems. His unrelenting efforts enriched the lives of countless people in need, including military personnel, veterans, and their caregivers. We extend our condolences to his wife, Elizabeth, their family, and friends."

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Statement from Former NJ Governor Chris Christie

"Bob Dole- a true American and representative of our greatest generation. I spoke to him for the last time on his 98th birthday. He had a message for me about the importance of public service & how hopeful he was for our country. I will miss him very much. Prayers for his family."

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Sen. Coons on passing of former Senator Bob Dole

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) issued the following statement on the passing of former U.S. Senator Bob Dole (R-Kan.):

“Throughout his life, Bob Dole always put his country first. I first met him as a Senate intern 40 years ago, and I was lucky enough to work with him on the effort to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities nearly a decade ago. Even then, his capability, his persistence, and sense of humor that served him so well as a Senator shone through. My thoughts are with Elizabeth and his daughter Robin in this difficult time.”

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Statement from Former Vice President Dick Cheney on the passing of Sen. Bob Dole

"Bob Dole was a dedicated servant to America. He was a consequential man who came from ordinary beginnings in Kansas to serve this nation in extraordinary ways. As a member of the Greatest Generation, he translated his experience in the military into a political career that was rooted in a confidence about the exceptional nature of America. 

"Our friendship spanned nearly 50 years, going back to his time as President Ford's running mate, and he carried his devotion to this nation through all of his work in life. His presence will be missed, but the profound impact he had on this country will never be forgotten. Lynne and I extend our thoughts and condolences to our friend, Elizabeth, and to the entire Dole family."

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Statement from former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Dole

"Those considered as part of the “greatest generation” are now few. Bob Dole was, without a doubt, part of that great generation. His life was so quintessentially American, from his experience in the Great Depression, to his service and sacrifice during World War II, and his unparalleled commitment to public service in the political arena thereafter…this is a man who devoted his entire life to this country. 

Throughout my years of public service, he was a role model and a friend. I will miss him as will his country and all who believe in the power of freedom.

My deepest condolences go out to Liddy and the entire Dole family. Rest In Peace…you have certainly earned it."

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Former President Donald Trump releases statement on Dole

"Bob Dole was an American war hero and true patriot for our Nation. He served the Great State of Kansas with honor and the Republican Party was made stronger by his service. Our Nation mourns his passing, and our prayers are with Elizabeth and his wonderful family."

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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy releases statement on Dole

“As a public servant, private citizen, and true patriot, Senator Bob Dole showed total dedication to the American experiment and its deepest ideals, answering liberty’s call at every turn. A combat hero, champion for those with disabilities, congressional leader from Kansas, and presidential candidate, Dole served this nation for 79 years. He lived a life of heroism and humor, courage and consequence, leadership and legacy that every American should strive for.

 “At this moment and in his memory we should reflect on service to one another. We should all think on what we can do for a veteran, a neighbor in need, or someone facing a challenging circumstance and commit to following the example Senator Dole set for the country.”

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Bob Dole was a WWII hero and carried his battle scars the rest of his life

Longtime Kansas Republican Sen. Bob Dole died at 98 Sunday morning. He is remembered as a statesman and cornerstone of Washington, D.C., and also as a World War II hero who carried his crippling battle scars the rest of his life. 

"I could see my platoon's radioman go down … After pulling his lifeless form into the foxhole, I scrambled back out again. As I did, I felt a sharp sting in my upper right back," Dole wrote in his 1988 autobiography of the injury he endured in Italy during World War II. 

Dole joined the Army's Enlisted Reserve Corps in 1942, and went on to become second lieutenant in the 10th Mountain Division. He was shot by Nazi gunfire ahead of his 22nd birthday in the hills of Italy on April 14, 1945, detailed in a previous article.

Read more.

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Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott releases statement on Dole

"Senator Bob Dole was a true patriot and national leader," former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said. "As an athlete, soldier, Congressman , Senate Majority Leader, and Presidential candidate, he always exhibited an indomitable positive spirit.  He was a personal inspiration and friend for many years. He will be truly missed."

Dole, who was the senate majority leader when he ran for President in 1996, handed over the the gavel to Lott.

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Former U.S. Congresswoman Donna Shalala releases statement on Bob Dole

Shalala previously served as HHS Secretary under former President Bill Clinton, was the former President of the University of Miami, and is a former U.S. Congresswoman.

She was appointed by President W. Bush along with Sen. Dole to be co-chairs of a Blue Ribbon Commission Knows as the Dole-Shalala Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors after a wing of The Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital was discovered in terrible condition.

“He was extraordinary, I have never had a better working relationship than any other colleague . I learned a lot from him," Shalala told Fox News Sunday. "He bravely served in World War II. He cared so much about this country and our troops." 

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Statement from President Barack Obama on the Passing of Senator Bob Dole

Former President Barack Obama issued a statement on the passing of longtime former Sen. Bob Dole, praising leadership at commitment to the country.

"Michelle and I were saddened today to hear about the passing of Senator Bob Dole. Senator Dole and I differed on policy, and I didn’t serve with him in the Senate. But I did get to know him over the years, and for that I will always be grateful," Obama said.

"Senator Dole was a war hero, a political leader, and a statesman – with a career and demeanor harkening back to a day when members of the Greatest Generation abided by a certain code, putting country over party. His sharp wit was matched only by his integrity, and he lived his life in a way that made it clear just how proud he was to be an American, and how committed he was to making this country everything he knew it could be," he continued.

"Our thoughts are with Elizabeth – who has lived her own remarkable life of service – and all those who knew and loved a true American hero."

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President Biden remembers Bob Dole as 'a man to be admired by Americans'

President Biden issued a statement on the passing of Bob Dole, saying he is "a man to be admired by Americans."

Read the president's full statement:

"A month after being sworn in as President, one of the first conversations I had with anyone outside the White House was with our dear friends, Bob and Elizabeth Dole, at their home in Washington. Bob had recently been diagnosed with lung cancer, and I was were there to offer the same support, love, and encouragement that they showed me and Jill when our son Beau battled cancer, and that the Doles have shown us over the half century we’ve been friends.

Like all true friendships, regardless of how much time has passed, we picked up right where we left off, as though it were only yesterday that we were sharing a laugh in the Senate dining room or debating the great issues of the day, often against each other, on the Senate floor. I saw in his eyes the same light, bravery, and determination I’ve seen so many times before.

In the Senate, though we often disagreed, he never hesitated to work with me or other Democrats when it mattered most. He and Ted Kennedy came together to turn Bob’s lifelong cause into the Americans with Disabilities Act — granting tens of millions of Americans lives of greater dignity. On the Social Security Commission, he led a bipartisan effort with Pat Moynihan to ensure that every American could grow old with their basic dignity intact. When he managed the bill to create a federal holiday in the name of Martin Luther King, Jr. — a bill that many in his own caucus opposed — I will never forget what he said to our colleagues: “No first-class democracy can treat people like second-class citizens.”

Another bipartisan effort, the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, provided school meals and food for nursing mothers and young children. It saved the lives of countless young people who would otherwise have died in infancy — and brought dignity to tens of millions of families at home and abroad. This work, for Bob, was about more than passing laws. It was written on his heart.

Bob was an American statesman like few in our history. A war hero and among the greatest of the Greatest Generation. And to me, he was also a friend whom I could look to for trusted guidance, or a humorous line at just the right moment to settle frayed nerves. I will miss my friend. But I am grateful for the times we shared, and for the friendship Jill and I and our family have built with Liddy and the entire Dole family.

Bob was a man to be admired by Americans. He had an unerring sense of integrity and honor. May God bless him, and may our nation draw upon his legacy of decency, dignity, good humor, and patriotism for all time."

Posted by Emma Colton

George W. Bush sends condolences to Elizabeth Dole following Bob Dole's death

Former President George W. Bush issued a statement sending condolences to the widow of Bob Dole following his death on Sunday.

“Laura and I are saddened by the passing of a great patriot, Senator Bob Dole. This good man represented the finest of American values. He defended them in uniform during World War II. He advanced them in the United States Senate. And he lived them out as a father, husband, and friend. Our entire family benefitted from that friendship, including my father. I will always remember Bob’s salute to my late dad at the Capitol, and now we Bushes salute Bob and give thanks for his life of principled service. Laura and I send our heartfelt condolences to Elizabeth and join our fellow citizens in prayer for her comfort," a statement from Bush, via the George W. Presidential Center, reads.

Posted by Emma Colton

President Biden speaks with Elizabeth Dole on the phone after news breaks of Bob Dole's death

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden called Bob Dole's widow, Elizabeth Dole, according to a person familiar with the call.

Biden joined Dole in the Senate in 1973.

Posted by Emma Colton

Former Education Secretary calls Dole 'a rare and great American' with a 'great sense of humor'

The former Secretary of Education under President Reagan's administration, William J. Bennett, remembered Bob Dole as a man "with a great sense of humor."

“A rare and great American, a hero and a man with a great sense of humor. Old school. Talked about staying in hospitals longer because of 'pretty nurses'. Would be censored or cancelled today," Bennett said in a statement. "My wife Elayne and I enjoyed several social occasions with Bob and Elizabeth Dole," Bennett said.

"Asked me if I would consider being his running mate in ‘96. I said, 'why me?' He said, 'Eastern,Catholic, intellectual, former Democrat.'"

"I responded, 'My, so touching, so personal.' We both laughed."

Posted by Emma Colton

Bob Dole remembered: Longtime senator, Republican Presidential candidate dies at 98

Longtime Republican Sen. Bob Dole died on Sunday morning at age 98.

Posted by Emma Colton

Republicans remember Bob Dole after his passing on Sunday

A handful of Republicans are remembering Bob Dole following his death on Sunday morning.

"Barbara & I are sad to hear of passing of war hero/Senate Majority Ldr /presidential nominee Bob Dole He was a dedicated public servant + kind + funny + hard worker + a true patriot We send our love to Elizabeth & his family," Sen. Chuck Grassley tweeted.

"Julie and I are so sad to hear of the passing of Senator Bob Dole. He was a great statesman who loved our country and made America proud. We are praying for comfort for his family and friends who will miss him dearly!" Herschel Walker wrote.

"Senator Bob Dole was a truly great man who lived an extraordinary life of service to America and he will be deeply missed by all of us who had the privilege to know him," former Vice President Mike Pence tweeted.

"I loved Sen. Bob Dole. One of the most decent, honorable, & patriotic men I've ever known. He came to AR to campaign for me when I was a nobody. Class act all the way. I proudly served on his steering cmte when he ran for President in 1996. He truly served his country w/ honor!" Mike Huckabee tweeted.

"God bless Bob Dole and his family. Thinking of you today," Rep. Dan Crenshaw tweeted.

"When I think of the greatest generation, I think of Senator Bob Dole—a man who dedicated his life to serving our country. Rest In Peace, my friend. Ann and I will be praying for Elizabeth, their family, and loved ones," Sen. Mitt Romney tweeted Sunday.

Rep. Elise Stefanik said in a statement: "America is deeply saddened to learn of Senator Bob Dole’s passing. Bob Dole lived an extraordinary life of resilience and service above self. We are eternally grateful for Senator Dole’s dedication to our country - from his service in the 10th Mountain Division during World War II to his time in the United States House and Senate. His legacy continued after his time in elected office through the extraordinary work of the Dole Foundation."

"It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Bob Dole, an American hero & a proud Kansan. We offer our sincere condolences to the Dole family; we share your deep loss.Thank you, @SenatorDole, for an amazing life of service to Kansas and the United States," the Kansas GOP tweeted.

Posted by Emma Colton

Al Gore remembers Bob Dole as 'a steadfast defender of his country'

Former Vice President Al Gore tweeted a remembrance of Bob Dole following his death, calling him "a steadfast defender of his country."

Posted by Emma Colton

Longtime GOP senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole dead at 98

Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole died Sunday morning at age 98, his wife's foundation announced.

"It is with heavy hearts we announce that Senator Robert Joseph Dole died early this morning in his sleep," the Elizabeth Dole Foundation tweeted. "At his death, at age 98, he had served the United States of America faithfully for 79 years. More information coming soon. #RememberingBobDole"


Posted by Emma Colton

Speaker Pelosi orders Capitol Flags flown at half-staff

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered the flags at the U.S. Capitol to fly at half-staff following the death of Bob Dole on Sunday.

Posted by Emma Colton

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