
Georgetown Law School student Julia Wax was first frightened, then steeled with resolve, when far-left groups flooded college campuses recently accusing Jewish people of global conspiracies — and then demanding that Israel be destroyed.

The National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), for example — a network of pro-Palestinian student groups — wrote in its "Day of Resistance Toolkit" that "the forces of Zionism engage in media campaigns which attack our people." It calls for "resistance from all sides," as it shared on campuses nationwide in October.

The toolkit demands the "decolonization" of Israel with "confrontation by any means necessary."


Wax, a first-year student from San Diego, told Fox News Digital in an interview that she believes this "means killing Jews if they're in the way," 

She added, "What they're calling for is the removal of 6 million Jews from their ancestral homeland. I fear for my life as a Jewish woman when I hear those words."

NYU protester Jewish supremacy sign

A protester at NYU spit on a sign that said "Jewish" before adorning it over the word "White." The final sign said "Pure Evil" and "Jewish Supremacy." (Obtained by Fox News)

The National SJP even refers to the U.S. and Canada in its communications as "Turtle Island." 

The group argues that the United States and Canada are illegitimate colonizing powers — just as the group believes Israel is as well. 


It turns out these toxic tenets of socialism and antisemitism have very deep roots — roots planted by the notorious National Socialist German Workers Party in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. This far-left hate group is known to most people today as Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. 

The National Socialists seized total control of Germany by spewing both rage against capitalism and rage against Jews

Georgetown Law student Julia Wax

Julia Wax of San Diego, a first-year student at Georgetown Law School in Washington, D.C., formed a group called Georgetown Law Zionists in October in response, she said, to threats of violence against Jewish students from classmates and groups active on campus. (Courtesy Julia Wax)

Both pillars of its far-left platform were detailed in the party's foundational 25 Theses of 1920 and championed as well in Hitler's venomous 1925 biography "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle").

The antisemitism of the National Socialist German Workers Party led to the slaughter of 6 million Jews during World War II.


The party's very public war on "bourgeois" capitalism and private enterprise, however, today appears to be forgotten, ignored or rewritten by some academics and leftists who deny Hitler's National Socialists were actually socialists.

Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, told Fox News Digital on this topic, "Nazi taxation and subsidies for most people were more or less purely socialist, as it professed."

While Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 — and his National Socialists surrendered days later — this group's hateful ideology of socialism and antisemitism is alive and ill today, as it turns out.

Brandeis University

Brandeis University reportedly disbarred the Students for Justice in Palestine for its support of Hamas. (Getty Images)

Rage against Jews and against Israel is championed today by the National SJP and other far-left groups, including the Communist Party USA, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and the Democratic Socialists of America.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told Fox News in October that he ordered the state's universities to disband their SJP chapters on campuses, citing the group's "material support for terror." The group has filed a lawsuit against the governor in response. Fox News Digital reached out to the group for comment.


Given all of this, here are five ways that far-left antisemitism in the public square appears to flow from the platform of the National Socialist German Workers Party — the Nazis — the original left-wing hate group, judging by both words and actions.

1. Hitler was a devoted socialist, hostile to private enterprise and individual initiative

The National Socialist German Workers Party platform offered a wish list of collectivist economic ideas.

"We demand," the party's 25 Theses stated, "abolition of incomes unearned by work [investment income] … the ruthless confiscation of all war profits … nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations … profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises."

Adolf Hitler book

A 1927 edition of "Mein Kampf: Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung" ("My Struggle: The National Socialist Movement") by Adolf Hitler at the library of the Deutsches Historisches Museum (German Historical Museum) on Dec. 15, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. The book was originally published in 1925.  (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

The National Socialists also promised, and delivered on, centralized control of education, media and information. 

Hitler confirmed his faith in his party's hard-core, hard-left economic agenda five years later. "With its program of 25 Theses, the National Socialist German Workers Party accepted a basis, which must be maintained unshakable," he wrote in "Mein Kampf."

"We demand abolition of incomes unearned by work … the ruthless confiscation of all war profits … nationalization of all businesses." — Hitler's National Socialist platform

National Socialist doctrine also demanded and secured individual devotion to the state, ruled by one man — and the elimination of a legislative branch with authority to challenge the party leader. 

"The National State must work untiringly to set all government … free from the principle of control by majorities," Hitler wrote in "Mein Kampf," all about a world with no democracy, no capitalism and no Jews. 

A 1938 Jewish shop vandalized in Germany

A Jewish-owned shop is shown vandalized by Nazis, with a poster reading, 'Germans Defend Yourselves - Don't Buy from Jews,' 1938.  (History/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

The National Socialist German Workers Party wasted no time in savaging private enterprise when it seized control of Germany in 1934. 

"Some businesses have been confiscated outright, on others what amounts to a capital tax has been levied. Profits have been strictly controlled … 80% of all building and 50% of all industrial orders in Germany originated last year with the Government," Time magazine wrote in its Hitler "1938 Man of the Year" issue (which condemned the dictator). 


The publication added, "Hard-pressed for foodstuffs as well as funds, the Nazi regime has taken over large estates and in many instances collectivized agriculture, a procedure fundamentally similar to Russian Communism."

The two political philosophies shared another fundamentally similar trait.

"Hitler's National Socialism and Stalin's Communism each slaughtered millions of people," said historian Hanson to Fox News Digital.

2. There is no daylight between today's socialism and Hitler’s National Socialism

Many leftists and academics today claim that "right-wing" Nazis co-opted the word "socialist" and that Hitler’s National Socialism was different than the beneficent socialism they preach.

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), Austrian-born German statesman, leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Ca. 1930. Colored photograph.  (Photo by adoc-photos/Corbis via Getty Images)

"The Nazi regime had little to do with socialism, despite it being prominently included in the name of the National Socialist German Workers Party," Ronald J. Granieri wrote in a 2020 editorial in The Washington Post. Granieri is a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute as well as professor of history at the U.S. Army War College. 

However, Granieri's statement that the National Socialist regime was distinct from socialism conflicts with claims made by the National Socialist regime itself. Fox News Digital reached out to Granieri, who said his conclusion was drawn from several books. 

"The Nazi regime has taken over large estates and in many instances collectivized agriculture, a procedure fundamentally similar to Russian Communism." — Time magazine

Socialism and National Socialism, Hitler wrote in "Mein Kampf," were actually completely aligned in their big-government ideology and aims. 

In that book, he triumphantly described the common objectives shared by his National Socialist German Workers Party and early rival Jacob Streicher’s German Socialist Party.  

"The two Parties were started with similar aims but were otherwise quite independent of one another," Hitler wrote.  

Palestinian protesters in NYC

Pro-Palestinian supporters march in New York City on Oct. 11, 2023. They included members of Communist Party - Workers World Party, Democratic Socialists of America and Communist Party of Mexico. (Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

"As soon, however, as Streicher was convinced clearly and unquestionably of the superior strength and stronger growth of the National Socialist German Workers Party, he ceased working for the German Socialist Party and called upon his adherents to come into line with the National Socialist German Workers Party … and to combine with it in continuing to fight for the common cause."

3. Hitler’s socialist ideology was forgotten, then rewritten after WWII

Americans, and American media, knew Germany’s ruling party by its socialist ideology through the end of World War II

"A war that began 12 years ago, when National Socialism came to power, has ended in the complete defeat of the German armies and the overthrow of National Socialism in its own citadel," The New York Times reported on May 8, 1945, the day that Germany surrendered. 

Hitler’s minions referred to themselves proudly as National Socialists — while vilifying capitalism, individualism and Judaism.  


The word "Nazi" does not appear in the 25 Theses of the National Socialist German Workers Party. 

It does not appear in "Mein Kampf." 

It also does not appear in the party’s abhorrent "Final Solution" to the Jewish problem in 1942.  

Hitler never wavered from his socialist identity. "An inexorable National Socialist and a fighter for my people," he thundered about himself in his last major radio address on Jan. 30, 1945, while vilifying Judaism and capitalism until the very end. 

The term "Nazi" was a shortened accusatory nickname first used by political opponents in the 1930s. The angry sound of "Nazi" fit Hitler's toxic persona and his far-left terror perfectly. 


By the order of the U.S. military authorities, the German population is shown passing by the bodies of several hundred inmates of the Buchenwald concentration camp in April 1945. (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

"Nazi" rose in popularity during World War II. It proved a convenient substitute for "National Socialist" in newspaper headlines and in home front, boot camp and foxhole chatter. 

The name of the National Socialist German Workers Party somehow faded from use after the war. 

The convenient disappearance of "National Socialist" has allowed academics to rewrite history and distance leftist ideology today from the savagery of the far-left National Socialist German Workers Party.

"An inexorable National Socialist and a fighter for my people." — Hitler, referencing himself

Instead, the far-left dictatorship has been recast in popular opinion as a right-wing hate group, even though that label is refuted by the party's own language, philosophy, platform, actions and self-identity. 

The revisionist history of the Nazis has had a dramatic impact on public opinion around the world — with ironic but deadly impact on Israel. 

Antisemitism in New York City, victims of kidnapped-by-Hamas posters torn down

Michael Levy (left, in dark jacket) hugs Thomas Hand in front of kidnapped-by-Hamas posters in New York City, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023. Hand's daughter Emily, who turned 9 on Nov. 17, is among the roughly 200 people still being held hostage by Hamas. Levy's brother, Or Levy, is also a hostage. (Jennifer Mitchell for Fox News Digital)

The Jews, whom the National Socialists slaughtered by the millions as if livestock, have somehow emerged as the new Nazis. 

The terror group Hamas equates Israel or Jews with Nazis four times in its infamous charter of 1988.

"The Zionist Nazi activities against our people will not last long," the party platform states in one of those comparisons.

Millions of people in the United States agree with Hamas, according to the Anti-Defamation League. It reported earlier this year that 40% of Americans equate Israel with the Nazis. 

4. National Socialist Jewish conspiracies of the 1930s are resonating today

Hitler’s rage against capitalism and Judaism stemmed from the belief that Jews controlled media and financial markets and profited from Germany’s defeat in World War I

"Any man who is not attacked, slandered and calumniated in the Jewish Press is no true German, no true National Socialist," Hitler wrote in "Mein Kampf."

Gaza protest Washington D.C.

Georgetown Law Students for Justice in Palestine promoted a protest on Oct. 13 at Franklin Park in Washington, D.C., about a mile from campus, where protesters shouted "We don't want no Jewish state," raising fears of violence among the law school's Jewish students. (Screen capture by Georgetown Law Zionists)

"The Jewry of Finance desires not only Germany’s perpetual economic abasement, but also her complete political enslavement. Therefore the Jew is the great agitator for Germany’s destruction."

Hamas now rules Gaza with the same singular authority the National Socialists did Germany — eliminating political rivals, elections and dissent after gaining power in 2007. 

"Hamas has run Gaza as an oppressive one-party state," The Economist reported last month.

"With their money, [Jews] took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others." — Hamas charter

Hamas also echoes Hitler's National Socialist conspiracies of global Jewish dominance and war profiteering in its founding platform. 

"With their money, [Jews] took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others," Hamas states in its 1988 charter. 

Arabic 'Mein Kampf'

Israeli officials said an Arabic copy of "Mein Kampf" was found in a children's room used by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. (Israel X post)

Jews "were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources … They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state."


An Arabic language copy of "Mein Kampf" was recently found at a Hamas base in Gaza, while the similarities of anti-Jewish vitriol are easy to pinpoint in both National Socialist and Hamas ideology. 

5. Socialism and antisemitism are still a package deal in 2023

Israel’s harshest critics in Congress and on campus today are avowed socialists committed to collectivist economic ideology. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota, and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Michigan — all members of the socialist so-called "Squad" on Capitol Hill — have each shared incendiary anti-Israeli rhetoric. 

Rashida Tlaib calls for Gaza cease-fire

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., speaks during a demonstration calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, Oct. 18, 2023, near the Capitol in Washington. On Monday, Nov. 6, Tlaib responded to criticisms from fellow Democrats regarding a video she posted Friday, Nov. 3, that included a clip of demonstrators chanting "from the river to the sea." Tlaib said in her response that her "colleagues" are trying to silence her and are "distorting her words."  (AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades, File)

Tlaib, who describes herself as a "progressive warrior," was censured by Congress last week for posting language on social media that critics say calls for the destruction of Israel.

Omar offered a vigorous defense of Tlaib on her own social media. 

Socialism and antisemitism have always been a two-for-one deal, judging by history. And groups touting the destruction of Israel on streets and campuses today share the same companion ideologies of socialism and antisemitism of some members of Congress.

"The Jew was ever a parasite in the bodies of other nations." — Adolf Hitler

They also share the same charges of Jewish conspiracy spouted by Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party 100 years ago — and by Hamas in Gaza since the 1980s. 


"It is our responsibility, therefore, to break through their hegemonic narratives of ‘war’ and ‘unprovoked aggression,' National Students for Justice in Palestine said in its "Day of Resistance Toolkit."

Times Square pro-Palestine protest

A pro-Palestinian protester dressed in militant battle gear in Times Square on Oct. 6, 2023. Georgetown Law School student Julia Wax, who observed the Times Square protest, says violent rhetoric on campus has raised fears of violence for her and other Jewish students. (Kerry J. Byrne/Fox News Digital)

The group adds, "Responsibility for every single death falls solely on the Zionist entity." 

In the ideology shared by Hamas and by the groups calling for the "decolonization" of Israel "by any means necessary," Jews apparently are a manipulative and invasive species in another nation's homeland. 

"We want ‘48,'" protesters chant around the nation today, calling for a Middle East before Israel existed. 

"We don’t want no Jewish state."


"The Jew" — according to Hitler, the infamous leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party — "was ever a parasite in the bodies of other nations … His propagation of himself throughout the world is a typical phenomenon with all parasites! He is always looking for fresh feeding-ground for his race."

Jews in the Middle East, Hamas declared in its equally hate-filled 1988 charter, are a "Nazi, vicious Tatar invasion."

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