Michigan teen begins 57-mile walk with brother on back

Braden Gandee rides aboard his brother Hunter's back who is walking along side sister, Kerragan and brother, Kellen as the Gandee family begins the 55 mile walk from Temperance, Mich., to Ann Arbor Friday, June 5, 2015. This walk is to raise awareness about cerebral palsy. (Tom Hawley/The Monroe Evening News via AP)

A Michigan teenager who walked 40 miles with his brother on his back to raise awareness about cerebral palsy is about to embark on a roughly 55 mile walk.

Hunter Gandee, who was 14 years old at the time of last year's walk, carried then-7-year-old Braden on his back over two days. Cerebral palsy prevents Braden from walking without assistance. They finished a walk from their hometown of Temperance to Ann Arbor last June.

This year's "Cerebral Palsy Swagger" starts Friday at a groundbreaking for the CP Swagger Shipyard, a playground they raised money for at Braden's elementary school in Lambertville. The walk is scheduled to end Sunday at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

The family says the walk isn't a fundraiser, but an awareness project.