Celeb chef Curtis Stone shares his health secrets

Celebrity chef and new dad Curtis Stone knows all too well what it’s like to have a hectic lifestyle.

He is engaged to actress Lindsay Price, and the couple have a son, Hudson, who is a little over a year old.

Stone was recently at The Culinary  Loft in New York City to chat about his book, What’s for Dinner: Delicious Recipes for a Busy Life.

“We are time poor,” Stone told foxnews.1eye.us. “We are cooking on a budget sometimes, (and) we want to cook with a few ingredients – so what I did is I divided the book. Each chapter is a different day of the week.”

With themes like ‘Time-Saving Tuesdays,’ or ‘One-Pot Wednesdays,’ and ‘Five-Ingredient Fridays,’ Curtis hopes serving dinner will be easier than ever.

One particular theme, ‘Motivating Mondays,’ is reserved for the health-conscious.

“If you start off with a Monday eating a really well-balanced meal, you are much more inclined to wake up Tuesday thinking, ‘I did a really good job yesterday; I’m feeling good; I’m going to carry on,’” Stone said.

Meals in this chapter, like grilled chicken with arugula and zucchini salad with lemon-caper vinaigrette, are high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat.

Curtis said his secret to keeping in shape is balancing his high-calorie diet with exercise.

“I’ll go for a surf; I take my dog for a hike,” Stone said. “So I think incorporating the exercise into your daily routine as opposed to ‘Goodness, now I got to go to the gym, that’s going to take an hour,’ and making it a chore. That’s not the right way to do it.”

Stone also suggested tempting yourself with healthy foods: Leave out a bowl of fruit instead of chips, and you are more likely to choose a healthy snack.

To learn more about Curtis Stone, check out CurtisStone.com.

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