31-year-old actor opens home to elderly neighbor battling cancer

A young Hollywood actor is being praised for his generosity after the 31-year-old opened his doors to a sick, elderly neighbor who needs around-the-clock care.

According to a Medium post, Chris Salvatore and his neighbor Norma Cook became friends while living across the hall from one another in their West Hollywood apartment building.

When Cook, 89, was diagnosed with leukemia, doctors told her she wouldn’t be discharged unless she had that 24/7 health care. That’s when Salvatore stepped in.

He raised $50,000 through a GoFundMe campaign, and when the money ran out after the holidays, he invited Cook and her beloved cat, Hermes, to come live with him. Cook reportedly had lived in the building for decades, and Salvatore didn’t want her to be forced out of her home.

He now considers her a grandmother figure, and she often refers to him as a “grandson,” KTVU reported.

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Salvatore said in the post that he hopes his gesture will encourage others to perform acts of kindness.

"I'm so happy I was able to give her this gift of living her last days at home. I can't imagine what it's like to go through the end of your life at a hospital without your friends or pets,” he told KTVU. "Norma has forever changed my life. She has made me a better human— kinder, gentler, more compassionate and patient. She has showed me what truly is important in life. She is living proof that love and kindness can heal all wounds, both physical and emotional."

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