Oscars 2014: Angelina Jolie shows off figure in sexy red carpet dress

The last time Angelina Jolie graced the Oscars red carpet was for the 2012 show, where the star’s right leg shot to fame thanks to the severe slit and her accentuated pose in that black Versace dress — she clearly had a lot to live up to as she arrived at the show in LA on Mar. 2, and she didn’t disappoint. While her legs were concealed, she still managed to show off an eyeful in a sheer gown.

Angelina selected a long-sleeved Elie Saab gown that featured a sheer bodice and a thin leather belt — but it was the sparkling embellishments that really set the dress apart. The exquisite detailing gave the frock such an ethereal vibe, and it also kept her assets strategically concealed as they decorated the front of the bodice.

Although the ensemble kept her covered up, she still looked so sexy. Sleek, straight hair wore down, behind her back, and a glossy nude lip added to her glam red carpet get-up — but the star’s best accessory proved to be Brad Pitt, who looked dapper while they walked down the red carpet together.