Natasha Bure: Everything I do, I want it to reflect my faith

Natasha Bure grew up knowing three things: Always listen to mom, have faith in God and you can do anything you want as long as put your whole heart into it.

The daughter of "Full House" star Candace Cameron, Bure grew up with a lot of rules (like having her mouth washed out with soap after cursing). But the 18-year-old embraced those rules and is now thankful to her parents for instilling in her their strong values.

"I think for a long time, my mom was just strictly my mother...she was somebody who was disciplining me and setting rules in our house," Bure told Fox News.

But it was those rules that shaped Bure into the person she is today.

In her new book, "Let's Be Real," Bure writes of her parents sending her to a Christian summer camp after she hit a rough patch in the 9th grade.

"When I was going through that difficult time, I was straying away from my relationship with God and I wasn't in line with my faith," she told us. "I wanted to be on my own path and I think my parents knew what I needed...and because of that, that's what got me out of a [bad] time."

She added, "[It] made me who I am today."

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It was that foundation of faith that helped Bure stand up to the "cool girls" in her high school that didn't necessarily share her values.

"All throughout high school, I wanted to be popular, I wanted to be cool and sometimes what the cool girls are wearing in school is not necessarily appropriate or isn't things that I would wanted reflected back on me or what I stand for," she said. "Sometimes you just have to say no."

Bure also dishes on her first kiss in her book which shocked her mom who didn't know about it at the time.

"My mom didn't actually know my first kiss story until she read the book," Bure said with a laugh.

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She also shares her decision to abstain from sex before marriage.

She writes in her book, "If I don't believe in casual dating or casual sex, why would I want to date someone who I couldn't potentially see living the rest of my life with?"

Bure told us waiting for marriage is something she stands by "because of my faith."

"I wanted to just be honest because I think us, as girls, we all struggle with dating and relationships and I didn't want to not talk about it because it is such a big part of our world."

Now as Bure is pursuing a career in music — she was on Team Adam on season 11 of "The Voice" — staying true to her beliefs is more important than ever before.

"I think for me, anything that I do, whether it be with music, acting, modeling, writing...anything that I do and continue to do, I'd want it to reflect me and my faith and the person that I truly am."

Faith & Fame is a regular column exploring how a strong belief system helps some performers navigate the pitfalls of the entertainment industry.

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