Lena Dunham under siege for 'shocking hypocrisy' for preaching on 'Girls' writer accused of sex abuse

Dunham has had so many high-profile gaffs that New York Magazine recently published a list of her apologies and Mediaite ran a piece detailing her critics. (REUTERS/Danny Moloshok)

Lena Dunham is under fire for a series of hypocritical messages after initially supporting a “Girls” writer who was accused of sexual assault.

Dunham apologized on Sunday — but it might be too late for many who have noticed a pattern of high-profile missteps for the celebrity feminist.

Piers Morgan called Dunham “the world's worst feminist” because of her “shocking hypocrisy” and “constant apologies.”

“The sheer breath-taking nature of her sanctimonious hypocrisy can be staggeringly brazen."

— Piers Morgan

“The sheer breath-taking nature of her sanctimonious hypocrisy can be staggeringly brazen,” Morgan wrote.

Last week, actress Aurora Perrineau accused “Girls” writer and producer Murray Miller of raping her in 2012 when she was only 17 years old. As Morgan pointed out, a tweet that Dunham sent in August didn’t age particularly well considering she initially supported Miller.

Lena Dunham has been called a hypocrite for defending a "Girls" writer who was accused of sexual assault. (Reuters)

“Things women do lie about: what they ate for lunch. Things women don’t lie about: rape,” Dunham wrote, which directly contradicts her initial statement expressing support for Miller: “Our insider knowledge of Miller’s situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3% of assault cases that are misreported every year. We stand by Murray and this is all we’ll be saying about this issue.”

Morgan wrote, “On the one hand, she had publicly declared that all women who make rape claims have to be believed… on the other hand, the accused man in this instance was her friend and co-worker.”

Actress Rose McGowan, who has accused disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, took to Twitter to criticize Dunham and “Girls” executive producer Jenni Konner hypocrisy for initially supporting Miller.

“Lena Dunha, Jenni Konner. Good old-fashioned elitist slut shaming. Way to go,” McGowan wrote.

Dunham now claims she regrets supporting Miller, but Morgan thinks that her waffling has hurt both Miller and his accuser.

“By making this second statement, Dunham was now throwing her friend Murray Miller to the wolves and convicting him before the police have even had time to conduct an interview about this allegation,” Morgan wrote.

"I would imagine Miller is currently feeling the same way about Dunham as his accuser. Both have been used as pathetic, powerless pawns in her ruthlessly selfish desperation to make herself look good to the world.”

Through his attorney, Miller has denied Perrineau’s allegations.

Meanwhile, the "Girls" creator is now being accused of being a racist in addition to a hypocrite.

In a lengthy statement posted on Facebook and Twitter on Sunday, Lenny Letter writer Zinzi Clemmons said she has known Dunham since they “ran in the same circles in college,” but said the actress and her friends engaged in “hipster racism.”

"It is time for women of color — black women in particular — to divest from Lena Dunham," Clemmons tweeted with images of her statement.

Dunham has been accused of racism in the past and a 2016 HuffPost article said she had a “racial blindspot” after being forced to apologize after accusing NFL star Odell Beckham Jr. of ignoring her at an event because she wasn’t his preferred type of female.

Dunham has had so many high-profile gaffs that New York Magazine recently published a list of her apologies and Mediaite ran a piece detailing her critics.

In recent memory, Dunham has also been criticized for allegedly lying about a dog being abused, saying she wished she’s had an abortion and backing out of a promise to move to Canada if Trump won the election.

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