Kim Kardashian details surgery she had in hopes of having third child with Kanye West

Kim Kardashian would do anything for another baby — even if it means going under the knife.

In Sunday’s new episode of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” the 36-year-old reality TV star revealed she had surgery in hopes that it could help her conceive a third child with husband, hip-hop artist Kanye West.

“I have to go in and repair my uterus because I decided I’m going to try to have one more baby,” she announced to her family in the sneak peek clip. “Isn’t that exciting?”


“I have to have surgery on my uterus to kind of repair this hole, so they need to like clean that out and then there’s scar tissue,” she explained. “It will still be a really high-risk pregnancy, just you’d be able to get pregnant.”

However, her family didn’t share the same enthusiasm.

“Oh my god, I thought you were for sure done,” said Kendall Jenner.

“So, why do you want to do it again?” questioned Khloe.


This isn’t the first time Kim was faced with fertility issues. In 2013, she wrote on her website that during her first pregnancy with daughter North, she endured pre-eclampsia, a complication characterized by high blood pressure and excessive urinary protein, which can ultimately result in the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall before delivery.

According to Kim, she had to deliver almost six weeks early.

But the complications only worsened after birth.

“Right after delivery, the placenta usually then comes out. Mine did not,” said Kim. “My placenta stayed attached inside my uterus, which is a condition called placenta accreta. This is a high-risk condition that happens when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterine wall.”

Kim needed surgery afterwards to remove scar tissue.

When Kim was pregnant with her son Saint, she blogged that at 36 weeks, he was facing upward in a breech position.

“I checked into the hospital and underwent a procedure called an external cephalic version (ECV), which is done to manually turn the baby from a breech position to a head-down position," she wrote.

Despite the hardships, Kim is still determined to become a mother again.

“Having more kids is definitely going to be a struggle,” remarked Kim in the upcoming episode. “I’ve gone through so much with really bad deliveries that the doctors don’t feel like it’s safe for me to conceive again myself. This surgery is really the one last thing I can try.”