Flying Saucer Movies... and More

The country <a target="_blank" href=",2933,567304,00.html">was transfixed for two hours on Thursday</a>, October 15, 2009, by <a href=",2933,567304,00.html">a homemade contraption</a> that looked just like the flying saucers from popular science fiction movies.

As the flying disc reached speeds in excess of 25 mph as it flew for miles and miles, thousands of feet above Colorado, it had many thinking of other Jiffy-Pop plate-shaped flying discs of yore. 

In this 1956 flick, the aliens visited our planet in flying saucers the Heene family may have used as inspiration.

Mr. President, watch out!

This still eerily resembles the video being taken of the Heene saucer flying over Colorado.

Luckily for the Heenes and those on the ground, the Heene disc crashed in an empty field, not in a populated metropolis, as they did in "Vs."

The flying saucer in "Plan 9" was another space vehicle that resembles the Heene balloon.

One imagines that if the Heene dad had a few more spare parts lying around in the back yard, his balloon would have been a bit bigger, and looked more like this.

This 2009 film cost $40 million to make and grossed only $100,000, but somehow we think the Heenes may have been some of the few people to see it.

In a related story, the Heene boys starred in <a target="_blank" href="">a raunchy music video posted on Youtube</a> riding little hovercrafts that looked exactly like this Disney flying saucer ride from the 1960s.


From now on, we suggest the Heene family stick to flying discs more like this one - the ones made by Frisbee.