
Angus T. Jones will not appear in the next two episodes of “Two and a Half Men,” a source close to the show told the Associated Press.

The person familiar with the production schedule said Jones does not appear in either of the two episodes filming before the end of the year, so he wouldn't be expected back at work until after the New Year.

The source indicated Jones’ absence has nothing to do with his recent Charlie Sheen-like outburst, in which he called the show “filth.”

Following news of Jones' comments, Sheen spoke out about the show. "With Angus’ Hale-Bopp-like meltdown, it is radically clear to me that the show is cursed," Sheen said. And according to The Hollywood Reporter, the statement references a group suicide from 1977 involving members of the Heaven's Gate cult.

Jones, who has played the role of Jake Harper, "the half" on the hit CBS show since 2003, was featured in a new video for the Forerunner Christian Church, in which he says the sitcom contradicts his devout Christian values. The video hit the web on Monday.

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In the rant, the 19-year-old actor, who reportedly earns $350,000 an episode, even urges fans to stop watching.

"I'm on 'Two and a Half Men' and I don't want to be on it,” he said. "If you watch 'Two and a Half Men,' please stop watching it and filling your head with filth. People say it’s just entertainment. Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch."

Jones goes on to express guilt that his profession may be inflicting serious damage on its audience.

"If I am doing any harm, I don't want to be here. I don't want to be contributing to the enemy's plan ... You cannot be a true God-fearing person and be on a television show like that. I know I can't,” he continued. “I'm not OK with what I'm learning, what the Bible says and being on that television show."

Forerunner Chronicles, the Alabama-based Church, which conducted the interview, was not immediately available for further comment.

Parents Television Council President Tim Winter welcomed the star's criticism of the show.
"If indeed Angus T. Jones meant what he purportedly said, and that this is not just a publicity stunt ... then his comments are welcomed, and we urge viewers to heed his call," Winter told foxnews.1eye.us. "We urge Mr. Jones to work from within the entertainment industry and raise standards to improve television content for the benefit of all Americans."

Jones is reportedly also an attendee of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Los Angeles, and in recent months has been guided by Voice of Prophecy (VOP) Bible School workers in his quest to understand Jesus better.

“My television show has nothing to do with God and doesn’t want anything to do with God, so it is a strange position I am put in,” he said. “I am under contract for another year so it is not too much of a decision on my part. I know God has me there for a reason for another year.”

Jones’ bold statements regarding the show that catapulted him to fame and fortune has attracted some nods of agreement in the entertainment/media industry who agree that the sitcom lauds distasteful content and practices.

“It is no surprise to anyone who watches TV, that ‘Two and a Half Men’ is one of the most vile and sleazy shows in history. Every episode is about sex and the network has bombarded our homes with this garbage for years,” noted Dan Gainor, vice president of Business & Culture at the Media Research Center. “Take your pick, sex talk, sex positions, threesomes -- it's all there teaching America's young people this is how adults are supposed to act.”

The “Two and a Half Men” creator, as well as reps for CBS and Jones, did not respond to a request for comment.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.