'20/20' Recap: Caitlyn Jenner confirms she underwent 'final surgery' in gender reassignment

FILE: Caitlyn Jenner told Diane Sawyer that she had undergone "the final surgery" in her gender reassignment procedures (Reuters)

Caitlyn Jenner told Diane Sawyer that she had undergone "the final surgery" in her gender reassignment procedures on Friday night's "20/20" special.

The former Olympian previously known as Bruce confirmed in her book "The Secrets of My Life," coming out on Tuesday, that the 2017 "surgery was a success."

And Jenner said on the ABC interview, she had "no regrets, none whatsoever."

Beyond that, Jenner didn't want to talk about the details, telling Sawyer, "I’m not going to dwell on that subject. It's not an appropriate question to ask a trans person."

But nothing else was off-limits, as Sawyer caught up with Jenner nearly two years after the TV journalist had done their last emotional interview. Then, the ex-athlete stunned the world by revealing how he had lived a lie. Inside, ex-decathlon champ Jenner had always identified as a woman.

Since then, Jenner said she has been "happy, peaceful…all of that confusion has left me….I did the right thing" -- and doesn't miss "Bruce" a bit.

Sporting red nails and stylishly feminine clothing, Jenner recalled how—when he was still known as Bruce--he had put an instruction in his will: "When I'm buried, I want to be dressed as her 'cause that's the way I'm going to heaven."

As many know from her former reality show, "I Am Cait," Jenner is a Republican and she confided to Sawyer, "Yes, I did vote for Trump."

Jenner was initially impressed with Trump for reaching out to transgender people at the Republican National Convention and noted, "He wanted me to come play golf with him."

But Jenner got upset when President Trump's administration revoked the federal guidelines that allowed public school students to use bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity--believing it's an issue best left to state and local authorities to decide.

"It was extremely disappointing…you mess with my community, you don't give us equality and a fair shot, I'm coming after you," Jenner sighed about President Trump's decision.

Although Jenner has had her jawline, forehead, and breasts worked on, she insists she's always been a woman because what's important is "what's between your ears."

Jenner said she's fine with her ex-wife, Kris Jenner, and stays in touch with all her kids while they pursue their own lives.

"Nobody calls that much. I reach out to them," commented the former "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" star.

Jenner told Sawyer that she has "never been on a date" in the two years since she came out as transgender, and doesn't really see dating in her future.

Instead, Jenner is most focused on helping the transgender community through charities and building awareness about discrimination and other issues.

"I want to fight this fight," she vowed.

For more on Caitlyn Jenner, tune in to Tucker Carlson on Monday night for his exclusive interview with the star. It will be Carlson's first time in his new 8 p.m. EST slot.