
You may love guacamole, but there’s only so much you can eat, right? What else can you do with avocado?

Of course, avocado is delicious on its own (try eating some with a little sea salt as a snack), but it’s also incredibly versatile when it comes to snacking, cooking and baking.

Surprised? Here are 9 ways to use avocado in a whole new way:

Blended Into a Satisfying Smoothie

Add a quarter of a ripe avocado to your favorite smoothie recipe for an incredibly satisfying addition. Sound a little too weird for you? Try my avocado smoothie recipe made with banana, almond milk and honey. I promise you won’t be able to taste the avocado!

With Eggs Baked Inside

If you eat eggs for breakfast every day, you might want to liven up your morning meal. If so, try this Eggocado recipe Lean it UP, which involves swapping the pit for an egg and baking them together.

Baked Into Cookies

Mashed up avocado takes the place of traditional butter in these Vegan Chocolate Avocado Cookies from Two Peas & Their Pod. Healthy fat and chocolate team up to make one amazingly rich and delicious cookie. And don’t worry, they don’t come out green.

Subbed for Mayo in Egg or Chicken Salad

Want to mix it up with your usual chicken salad or egg salad? Try mashed avocado! Instead of mayo as the binding ingredient, replace part (or all) of it with avocado. Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder for even more flavor.

Whisked Into Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate pudding made with avocado? Sounds crazy, but it’s delicious. In fact, this recipe for Dark Chocolate Pudding is so creamy and divine you’ll never know it’s healthier for you. Another smart idea via the bloggers at Two Peas & Their Pod.

Spread on a Sandwich

Amp up the nutritional profile of your sandwich by spreading on fresh, mashed avocado instead of mayo or mustard. You’ll add all sorts of nutrients, healthy fats, and a wonderfully rich and satisfying flavor to your meal.

In Mac & Cheese

Avocado macaroni and cheese is so easy to make. It’s perfect for busy weeknights or whenever you’re craving comfort food but feeling lazy. To make this dish, you just boil the macaroni, mix up the avocado sauce in a food processor, and whisk together a cheesy sauce on the stove top. Easy as that!

As a Creamy Dip

This Avocado Whip from Health.com is perfect as a dip for veggies or as a spread on a sandwich. It also has heart-healthy monounsaturated fats to speed up your metabolism and keep you feeling full!

Added to Fruit Salad

Add some substance and staying power to your fruit salad by adding chunked avocado to it. The healthy fats will keep you satisfied for hours!