
Former President Bill Clinton on Tuesday walked back comments he made about the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the #MeToo movement during his book tour which raised eyebrows by those who felt his remarks were "tone-deaf."

Clinton, during an appearance on CBS' "The Late Show" as part of his book tour with famed author James Patterson, said his interview that aired Monday on NBC's "Today Show" "wasn't my finest hour."

The 42nd president became defensive when asked about his relationship with Lewinsky, a former White House intern with whom he had a sexual affair, and said he wouldn't have resigned if his tryst in the Oval Office had taken place at the height of the #MeToo movement.

"When I saw the interview, I thought that, because they had to distill it, and it looked like I was saying I didn’t apologize and I had no intention to,” Clinton told the late-night host. "I was mad at me — not for the first time."

He said "that was a very painful thing, that happened 20 years ago, and I apologize to my family, to Monica Lewinsky and her family, and to the American people — I meant it then, I meant it now."

Clinton added he's had to "live with the consequences" of his affair "everyday since."

Keeping intact his thoughts on the #MeToo movement, Clinton reiterated that he believes the anti-sexual harassment awakening seen throughout the country is "long overdue, necessary and should be supported."